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Is Greek Organic Mountain Tea a Super Food?

Living Well

Discover why mountain tea has been used since ancient times as a natural beverage but also as a medicine for memory and energy.

About Mountain Tea

If you are reading these lines, perhaps you have already tried –or are about to the mild and slightly sweet flavor and floral aroma of this tea, that can be paired with cinnamon stick, orange, or lemon, and can be prepared hot or cold…

Keep in mind that in Greece there are almost a hundred species and subspecies of mountain teas, 5 of which are better-known. Mountain teas are limited to the Balkans and the Eastern Mediterranean, but you can find more than 100 varieties in the world!

Greek mountain tea grows wild on rocks at high altitudes, thanks to a special microclimate and the extreme climatic conditions that contribute to the development of defense mechanisms and exceptional durability. In Greece, where the Mediterranean climate is intense, this plant goes through two very harsh periods: during winter when there is frost, and during summer when there are high temperatures and drought. That is the reason why mountain tea is full of active ingredientsproduced to face these difficulties: as a drink, it offers valuable benefits, while also having a special taste.

Greek mountain tea plants usually belong to the genus Sideritis and are aromatic, woody-semi-woody, or herbaceous perennial, with yellow flowers. They grow at high altitudes: Sideritis is widespread mainly in temperate Europe and Asia, reaching as far as China.

Some examples: Sideritis scardica commonly known as Olympus teaSideritis raeseri subsp. raeseri (commonly known as Parnassus tea), Sideritis perfoliata subsp. perfoliata that grows in South Pindos, Sideritis syriaca subsp. Syriaca or malotira, the endemic tea of Crete, and the species Sideritis clandestina which is endemic to the Peloponnese region.

A short story about Mountain Tea

The first person to describe the species of the genus Sideritis was Linnaeus, although Mountain tea has been known since antiquity. Dioscorides (40-90 AD) mentions three types of Sideritis in his work “De Materia Medica”.

For organic mountain tea lovers, various views have been expressed regarding the origin of the scientific name of the genus Sideritis (“iron wort” in Greek). One view states that it comes from the Greek word “iron” – the plant was probably named after it because of its ability to heal wounds and injuries caused by iron weapons during wars in antiquity, while another view states that it was named after it because it has a high iron (Fe) content.

Main Health Benefits

Many do not know the benefits of Greek Mountain Tea, although studies have been made by the European Medicine Association, aka EMA.

Antioxidant: in studies of human cells with severe oxidative stress, the antioxidant effectiveness of mountain teas is far superior to that of other teas

Tonic for the body: it gives energy

Tonic for the immune system: their beverage is famous for the treatment of the common cold, while it has a therapeutic indication for this use by the E.M.A.

Memory boost: recent research and studies show memory enhancement

Mountain Tea Flowers

Mountain tea flowers drink is a traditional tonic and antioxidant wonderful beverage, which has been enjoyed since antiquity, while it strengthens the memory and the immune system, and relieves the symptoms of colds. It is naturally caffeine-free, with a floral aroma and a mild, sweet, and earthy flavor.

This unique drink from mountain tea flowers, a real bouquet selected and cut by hand, is like a bouquet directly from Mount Olympus into your cup. With no unnecessary processing to maintain intact its natural nutritional and aromatic characteristics.

The mountain tea selected for this blend is Sideritis scardica which grows on Mount Olympus. Olympus, the mythical residence of the Ancient Greek gods, is also a rare ecosystem. It is a paradise of diverse and unique flora: home to over 1500 plant species, it includes areas where almost all plant life is locally endemic. The region is a protected national park and a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve, ranked among the most prized in the world in terms of flora. Mountain tea is grown with the latest organic methods, combining respect for the natural environment with ideal cultivation practices. Cultivating plants in areas where they grow wild does not disturb the local ecosystem and yields a mountain tea with distinct nutritional and flavor properties.

A product that has minimal impact on the environment, since after its use it can be fully assimilated by it without special procedures – from nature to your cup and back to nature, with almost zero environmental footprint. It is ideal for energy-boosting and well-being throughout the day and the rejuvenation of the senses.

Preparation methods

Hot beverage: Heat 250 ml water to 95°C and steep for 3-5 minutes. Ideally, cover the cup to preserve the tea’s aromas and active ingredients. If you wish, add Symbeeosis honey or stevia. Tip: To make your beverage stronger, use less water. To make it lighter, use more.

Cold beverage: Prepare like a hot beverage but with half the water, then add cold water or ice.