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Salad dressing – delicious and immune boosting


As we welcome salad season, may we remind you that a good salad dressing can make all the difference. It can elevate a simple bowl of greens into a culinary delight, adding layers of flavour and complexity. Among the myriad of salad dressing options, one that stands out for its sweet, yet savoury profile is this honey and herb-infused dressing.

Symbeeosis’ range of Organic Functional honeys with Ginger, Turmeric and Propolis are packed with digestive, anti-inflammatory and immune-boosting properties specifically. Their delightful and delicious addition to your salad dressings will see to it that you stay healthy and energetic this summer. Our Organic Herb range of Mint, Basil, Thyme, Oregano and Sage are potent and a treat for the body and senses as they are cultivated in the areas where they grow wild in order to preserve their naturally occurring beneficial properties, without disturbing the local ecosystem. 

Every single one of Symbeeosis’ Organic honeys lend a unique dimension to salad dressings. When combined with Symbeeosis’ aromatic herbs, probiotic-packed apple cider vinegar and a hint of citrus, it creates a harmonious blend that tantalizes the taste buds. Whether drizzled over a crisp green salad or tossed with roasted vegetables this honey and herb-infused dressing is sure to be a real treat while still nourishing your body.


– ¼ cup olive oil

– 2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar

– 1 tablespoon Symbeeosis honey of your choice

– grated rind of 1 lemon

– 1 teaspoon Symbeeosis dried herbs (such as thyme, mint, basil, oregano and sage)

– Salt and pepper to taste


1. Combine Ingredients: In a small bowl or jar, whisk together olive oil, apple cider vinegar, honey, lemon zest, dried herbs, salt, and pepper. Alternatively, you can shake the ingredients together in a sealed glass jar for easy mixing. Any of Symbeeosis’ empty glass honey jars are ideal for this.

2. Adjust to Taste: Taste the dressing and adjust the seasoning as needed. Add more honey for a sweeter flavour or adjust the acidity with additional vinegar. You can also vary the herbs according to your preference, opting for a combination that complements your salad ingredients.

3. Store and Serve: Store your salad dressing in the refrigerator for up to one week in the same jar making sure that the lid is fitted tight. Before using, give the dressing a good shake to recombine any separated ingredients.

4. Serving Suggestions: When ready to serve, drizzle the honey and herb-infused dressing over your favourite salads or roasted vegetables. Toss gently to coat evenly, allowing the flavours to meld together. Garnish with more herbs or a sprinkle of toasted nuts for an extra touch of flavour, texture and nutrition.

With just a handful of pantry staples and some Symbeeosis Organic honey and herbs, you can whip up this delightful honey-and herb-infused salad dressing in minutes. Its balance of sweet and savoury flavours adds a delightful twist to any dish, transforming ordinary salads into culinary masterpieces. So, the next time you’re craving a fresh and flavourful and extra-nutritious salad, reach for this homemade dressing and prepare to be truly satisfied.