Symbeeosis Organic Mountain Tea with Mint is a delightful mountain tea beverage made from Sideritis scardica mountain tea combined with fresh organic mint (Mentha x piperita). Peppermint offers rejuvenation, well-being and helps to facilitate digestion. Mountain tea is known for its beneficial properties for the body, such as antioxidant action and boosting the immune system. The potency is enhanced by the addition of the dry extract of mountain tea, which contains the plant’s active ingredients in multiple concentrations. A unique decoction, naturally caffeine-free with a refreshing aroma and taste that can provide a sense of rejuvenation at any time of the day.

15 pyramids of 1.3 gr which contain a mixture of organic mountain tea (Sideritis scardica), organic mint (Mentha x piperita) and organic dry mountain tea extract (Sideritis scardica).
Symbeeosis Pyramids for Tea & Herbs are biodegradable and made with PLA (polylactic acid), a fiber derived from corn starch. It biodegrades naturally in soil or water without emitting any pollutants, leaving a zero environmental footprint.
The packaging box is made from tinplate and contains no plastic. It is easy to reuse or recycle.

Hot beverage
Use just enough water to fill your cup. Take care of the environment and do not exceed 90 degrees. Immerse the pyramid in boiling water for 3-5 minutes, depending on how strong you want the taste. It is best to cover the cup to maximize the flavours and active ingredients of the drink. Then remove the pyramid and add Symbeeosis honey or another natural sweetener if desired.

Cold Drink
Prepare as for the hot drink with half the amount of water and top up with cold water or ice cubes.
Cold brew
Leave 3 pyramids in a 750ml jug of cold water in the fridge for 24 hours and enjoy all the flavours in this unique way of brewing.

Greek Organic Mountain Tea and Mint 15 pyramids
9,80 €
128gSymbeeosis Organic Mountain Tea with Mint has antioxidant and detoxifying properties while aids digestion.