We have chosen the oregano variety Origanum vulgare subsp. Hirtum because it is the most bioactive. Drinking oregano as an infusion or chewing oregano is considered the quickest and easiest way to treat gastrointestinal problems.
Oregano is also a famous culinary herb, enhancing the flavor of salads, sauces, grilled meat, fish and even bread with oil.
It is a perennial, woody, fibrous, aromatic, apiary plant native to the Balkans and south-west Asia. The name of the plant is derived from the words Oros = mountain and Ganos = splendor, brilliance, joy. So, Oregano is the glory, the radiance, the joy of the mountain!
Ingredients: 30gr organic dried oregano, Origanum vulgare subsp. Hirtum

The packaging
The design of our culinary herb packaging is guided by the philosophy of “reduce – reuse – recycle – refill”. The packaging of our herbs is made of tinplate, with the Plastic Free & Metal Recycles ForeverTM certifications. It keeps the flavors and properties of the herb fresh. It can be reused as a container for herbs, for crafts such as candles or other uses, and of course it can be recycled in the designated bins.
Plastic Free certification means the packaging is free of plastic, while Metal Recycles ForeverTM means it can be continuously recycled without degradation of the material. Continuous recycling helps to save energy and reduce waste.

Greek Organic Oregano 30g
5,90 €92.6g
Organic oregano facilitates digestion and is known for its diuretic effect when consumed as a drink.