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Mindfulness as a Daily Practice

In the midst of our fast-paced and often hectic lives in the modern world, finding moments of peace and presence can feel like a luxury or an indulgence. In truth it is an absolute necessity, in order to lead more peaceful and balanced lives in alignment with our best selves.

The practice of Mindfulness offers a simple yet powerful way to cultivate a greater sense of calm, clarity, and well-being in our daily lives and it is available to anyone and everyone. By making Mindfulness a daily practice, we can tap into a deeper sense of awareness and connection with ourselves and the world around us. All it takes a moment or two – to sit with yourself, your breath or even taking 20 seconds to appreciate the rustle of leaves in the wind to tap into this ancient and grounding practice.

What is Mindfulness?

At its core, Mindfulness involves paying attention to the present moment with openness, curiosity, and acceptance. It is a non-judgemental space where one is fully engaged in whatever one is doing, whether it’s eating, walking, working, or simply breathing.

Wikipedia defines mindfulness as “the cognitive skill, usually developed through meditation, of sustaining the meta-attention of the contents of one’s own mind in the present moment.”

John Kabat-Zinn, a modern-day proponent of Mindfulness defines it as “an awareness that arises through paying attention, on purpose, in the present moment, non-judgementally.”

While there is no universal definition of Mindfulness, Thich Nhat Hanh, a renowned Buddhist Monk attributed with having brought this concept to the West often describes it as “Being aware of what is happening inside and around you in the present moment. Mindfulness is when you are truly there, mind and body together. You breathe in and out mindfully, you bring your mind back to your body, and you are there.”

In essence, Mindfulness is being fully present. When we live in the moment fully, it is less likely that we will be overwhelmed by worries of the future or regrets of the past. This process brings much calm and clarity into our constantly running minds. Mindfulness is a basic human ability and may be practiced by anyone. However, a regular Mindfulness practice enhances this innate ability, making it more accessible. Whether a consistent practice of focusing on your senses or your breath, some research has found that a steady dose of Mindfulness over a certain amount of time can physically change brain structures long term, offering profound benefits.  Cultivating this daily practice offers a transformative journey toward greater awareness and well-being.

The Benefits of Daily Mindfulness Practice

1. Reduced Stress:

Mindfulness has been shown to reduce stress levels by promoting relaxation and calming the nervous system. By cultivating a greater sense of presence, we can learn to respond to life’s challenges with greater clarity and equanimity.

2. Improved Focus and Concentration:

When we fully focus on the present, we are not distracted by thoughts or worries about the past or the future and this bring a lot of clarity to our thoughts and actions. A regular Mindfulness practice can enhance our ability to focus and concentrate on tasks, leading to greater productivity and efficiency in our daily lives.

3. Enhanced Emotional Regulation:

Mindfulness helps us develop greater awareness of our thoughts, feelings, and bodily sensations, allowing us to respond to them with compassion and understanding. It creates a space where we identify with ourselves beyond the frames of emotions and thoughts, so that you come to realise that you are not your emotions. This distinction can lead to improved emotional regulation and greater resilience in the face of adversity.

4. Greater Sense of Well-being:

By fostering a deeper connection with ourselves and the world around us, Mindfulness can lead to greater feelings of contentment, gratitude, and overall well-being. This is a grounding practise that allows you to tap into the very essence of your inner peaceful state of being at any given time.

Tips for Cultivating a Daily Mindfulness Practice

1. Start Small:

Begin with just a few minutes of Mindfulness practice each day and gradually increase the duration as you become more comfortable. This could be a quiet device-free 10 minute walk, a 10- 15minute meditation practise, or a few minutes a day spent in silence in reconnecting with your breath. Consistency and non-judgement are key.

2. Find What Works for You:

There are many different ways to practice Mindfulness, from meditation to mindful movement to simply paying attention to everyday activities.  Experiment with different techniques to find what resonates most with you.

3. Incorporate Mindfulness into Your Daily Routine:

Look for opportunities to practice Mindfulness throughout your day, whether it’s during your morning routine, while eating a meal, or before bed. Some ways to do this are to take a quiet moment to stay present with your morning coffee or taking 5 minutes of your day to mindfully brew and sip one of Symbeeosis’ many delicious and nurturing Organic Teas.

4. Be Kind to Yourself:

Be gentle with yourself at the beginning and right through your Mindfulness practice. Wandering thoughts are very much a part of the natural process. Rather than struggling, simply observe without judgement or reaction. Just sit and notice. Return to your breath repeatedly, with compassion, curiosity, and openness. It doesn’t matter how many times you fall off the wagon. It only matters how many times you come back.

In a world filled with distractions and demands, cultivating a daily Mindfulness practice confers you with the unique ability to tap into an inner sanctuary of peace and presence amidst the chaos. We hope this article will encourage you to seek out Mindfulness practices that you could inculcate into your daily lives, in order to harness this latent superpower that is waiting to be awoken in you.

Earth Day: Embracing Nature’s Healing Touch

In the hustle and bustle of modern life, it’s all too easy to feel overwhelmed, stressed, and disconnected from the world around us. In these moments of turmoil, nature stands as a steadfast sanctuary, offering solace, rejuvenation, and a profound sense of peace. From the whispering leaves of ancient trees to the gentle rush of a meandering stream, the natural world holds the power to heal our weary souls in ways both subtle and profound.

On Earth Day today, let’s take a moment to acknowledge the profound connection between humanity and the natural world that sustains us. It’s a time to reflect on the beauty of our planet, the importance of preserving its delicate ecosystems, and the healing power that nature offers to our souls. If we take a moment to pause amidst the chaos of modern life – we will find that the natural world stands as a sanctuary for the soul—a source of solace, inspiration, and rejuvenation.

Here are some of the well documented benefits of spending time in nature:

1. Reduces Stress:  The soothing sights and sounds of nature have a calming effect on the nervous system, helping to lower cortisol levels and promote relaxation.

2. Boosting Immune Function:  Exposure to phytoncides—antimicrobial compounds released by trees—can enhance the activity of our natural killer cells, strengthening our immune response.

3. Improved Mood: Nature has a profound effect on our emotional well-being, lifting our spirits and fostering feelings of happiness and contentment.

4. Enhancing Creativity: Time spent in nature has been shown to enhance cognitive function and creativity, inspiring fresh ideas and innovative thinking.

Forest Bathing:

Numerous studies have highlighted the myriad benefits of spending time in nature and the effects of nature on our well-being are nothing short of remarkable.

In Japan, there’s even a term for the therapeutic practice of immersing oneself in the forest: Shinrin-Yoku, or forest bathing. At its core, forest bathing is a simple yet profound practice: it involves immersing oneself in the sights, sounds, and smells of the forest with a mindful and open-hearted presence. Rather than rushing through nature with a specific goal in mind, forest bathing invites us to slow down, engage our senses, and cultivate a deep sense of connection with the natural world. It is a practice or process of therapeutic relaxation where one spends time in a forest or natural atmosphere, focusing on sensory engagement to connect with nature. This time is meant to be device free, and a total immersion into a peaceful natural environment.

The Power of Presence:

Nature is a powerful reminder to stay mindful and present. When we immerse ourselves in the sights, sounds, and sensations of the natural world, we tap into a deeper sense of connection and belonging. Whether it’s the gentle rustle of leaves in the wind, the soothing babble of a mountain stream, or the awe-inspiring beauty of a starry night sky, nature has a way of grounding us in the present moment and reminding us of the wonder and majesty of life. A simple way to embrace mindfulness with nature during your busy day is through one of Symbeeosis’ range of Mountain teas. Take a quiet moment to prepare and sip your tea in natural surroundings.  Let the aromas of the Greek mountainside allow you to slow your pace and be totally present.

Cultivating Gratitude:

Earth Day is also a time to cultivate gratitude for the abundance of gifts that the Earth provides us each day. From the air we breathe and the water we drink to the food we eat and the breathtaking landscapes that inspire us, our planet sustains us in countless ways. By taking time to appreciate and honour the Earth’s gifts, we deepen our connection to the natural world and strengthen our resolve to protect and preserve it for future generations. At Symbeeosis we are eternally grateful for the gifts of nature and we work in symbiosis with the Earth and it’s remarkable creatures, the Bees.

Embracing Sustainable Living:

As we celebrate Earth Day, let us also recommit ourselves to living in harmony with the Earth and all its inhabitants. Whether it’s reducing our carbon footprint, conserving energy and resources, or supporting local environmental initiatives, each of us has the power to make a positive impact on the planet. At Symbeeosis, this is the essence of how we function – our regenerative agricultural practices to our organic farming methods and plastic free packaging are a testament to this.

On Earth Day and every day, let us pause to honour the beauty and resilience of our planet and the vital role that nature plays in nourishing our bodies, minds, and spirits. As we embrace the healing power of nature and work together to protect and preserve our precious Earth, may we cultivate a deeper sense of gratitude, connection, and stewardship for the world around us.

Spring Allergies? Symbeeosis’ Golden Trio Might Be Your Answer

As the seasons change and spring breathes new life into the world, many of us find ourselves grappling with the unwelcome return of seasonal allergies. While the earth is in bloom and it is a true sight to behold, the blossoming flowers and budding trees bring with them pollen particles that can trigger sneezing, congestion, itchy eyes, and general discomfort.

While over-the-counter medications offer relief for some, they often come with uncomfortable side effects. A more holistic approach involves seeking natural remedies to alleviate these symptoms – Enter nature’s golden trio: Symbeeosis’ Functional Honeys : Honey with Turmeric, Honey with Ginger, and Honey with Propolis.

Turmeric Honey: The Golden Healer

Turmeric, hailed for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, has been used for centuries in traditional medicine to treat a variety of ailments. When combined with honey, another natural remedy known for its soothing and antibacterial qualities, turmeric becomes a potent elixir for combating allergies.

Curcumin, the active compound in turmeric, helps to reduce inflammation in the body, including inflammation of the nasal passages and airways caused by allergies. Additionally, turmeric’s antioxidant properties can help boost the immune system, making it more resilient to allergens.

Ginger Honey: Nature’s Decongestant

Ginger is another powerhouse in the world of natural remedies, revered for its ability to alleviate nausea, aid digestion, and yes, combat allergies. When infused with honey, ginger becomes even more palatable and easier to consume regularly.

Ginger’s anti-inflammatory properties can help reduce swelling in the nasal passages, relieving congestion and allowing for easier breathing. Its natural antihistamine properties can also help to counteract the body’s allergic response, providing much-needed relief from symptoms.

Propolis Honey: Nature’s Immune Booster

Propolis, often referred to as “bee glue,” is a resin-like substance collected by bees from tree buds, sap flows, and other botanical sources. Bees use propolis to seal gaps in their hives and protect against bacteria and fungi. Similarly, humans have long used propolis for its antimicrobial, antiviral, and anti-inflammatory properties.

When combined with honey, propolis creates a potent blend that can support the immune system and help the body better tolerate allergens. By bolstering immune function, propolis honey can help reduce the severity of allergy symptoms and promote overall well-being during allergy season.

How to Incorporate Them Into Your Daily Routine

Adding turmeric honey, ginger honey, and propolis honey to your daily routine is simple and delicious. You can stir a spoonful into your morning tea or warm water, drizzle it over oatmeal or yogurt, or enjoy it straight from the spoon.

Here are some simple recipes:

Turmeric Golden Milk Recipe:

– Warm 1 cup of milk (dairy or plant-based) in a saucepan.

– Add 1 teaspoon of turmeric honey and stir until dissolved.

– Stir in a pinch of black pepper (which enhances the absorption of curcumin).

– Optional: Add a dash of cinnamon or nutmeg for extra flavour.

– Enjoy this soothing and immune-boosting beverage before bed or anytime you need a comforting treat.

Ginger Honey Tea Recipe:

– Stir in 1 teaspoon of ginger honey in hot water until dissolved to make ginger tea.

– Squeeze in some fresh lemon juice for added flavour and vitamin C.

– Enjoy this warming and decongestant tea whenever allergy symptoms strike.

Propolis Honey Boost:

– Simply enjoy a spoonful of propolis honey on its own or drizzle it over your favourite foods.

– For an extra immune boost, mix propolis honey with a spoonful of turmeric honey or ginger honey.

As spring ushers in a symphony of blooms and warmer weather, it also brings with it the discomfort of seasonal allergies for many. Fortunately, nature provides us with an array of remedies to help alleviate these symptoms and support our overall well-being. Symbeeosis’ Turmeric honey, ginger honey, and propolis honey offer a delicious and natural way to combat allergies, soothe inflammation, and boost immune function. With Symbeeosis’ trio of Functional honeys, you can harness the power of nature’s golden trio and breeze through allergy season with ease.

Relax and vitality, two sides of the same coin

Taking care of our wellbeing means achieving a cyclical balance between relaxation and vitality in our daily life.

Increasingly, cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of illness and mortality, followed by cancer, nutritional deficiencies, respiratory diseases and diabetes. As we know today, these diseases share risk factors: poor diet, stress, physical inactivity and harmful substances consumption (specially tobacco and alcohol).

If we want to avoid these diseases but also go further and have a healthy life and find a true state of wellbeing, the question is clear: what are the key factors to achieve this? One of the keys is undoubtedly our personal ability to find balance with vitality and relaxation, which is related to all the factors mentioned above, especially with excesses.

Vitality is defined according to the dictionary as “the state of being strong and active”. The first truth for that purpose is very simple and at the same time very profound: both states are related and their cyclical character is similar to Nature’s cycles: it is commonly accepted in the scientific community that a living organism goes through phases of anabolism and catabolism; that is, it is necessary for the body to recompose and expose itself in successive phases.

This means that there is a direct relationship between our ability to relax and the ability to activate and also the moments we allocate to these states; of course, relaxation normally occurs during night rest and sleep, when toxins are eliminated and our organs are repaired, but not only, and these points of relaxation or activity can be induced by our attitude and habits and also by our food choices.


On the one hand, we can remember the sentence “Let your medicine be your food and food be your medicine”. Born on the island of Cos, Hippocrates is known as the “father of medicine”: his studies of food showed a complete theory of food as a healing element of our body understood as a whole, a container of our emotions.

At Symbeeosis we believe in the power of certain plants to help us achieve these states of vitality and/or relax. Organic nutritional supplements and certain herbal teas can be very helpful. Beyond the consumption of caffeine or theine, we believe in the power of mountain tea, and the fantastic properties of honey and fruits or vegetables to create a state of invigorating energy precedes relaxation.

However, it is important to remember that these states are connected: it is impossible to be alert or concentrated without a prior state of relaxation or sleep, and vice versa, and the best way to rest is to previously use that physical energy in a moderate activity (sports have to be scheduled always at least three hours before bedtime).

A very interesting scientifically concept nowadays in use is that of “Vitality in practice (relaxation in practice)”, about which authors such as Coffeng, J.K., Hendriksen have researched for years. This perspective is extended because it confirms that relaxation and energy or vitality are truly the two sides of the same coin, so they recommend (1) increasing daily physical activity during the day (2) increasing relaxation during the day (even at work) (3) using natural methods of managing that own energy, using one’s own biorhythms and natural and organic food and supplements to find a balanced lifestyle.

5 everyday choices that will make your 2024 better

We invite you to take into account these small tips that can bring you a lot of wellbeing during next months.

A depurative herbal tea just after awakening

After several hours of sleep without ingesting food, our body is fasting and very receptive to absorb what we ingest. Therefore, nothing better than starting the day preparing a cleansing infusion (nettle, lemon balm or mountain tea are amazing options) also with a few drops of lemon and honey that will help in the process of cleansing the liver, kidneys and digestive system. It is a conscious option to start the day that we can enjoy while reading, meditating or while doing our morning grooming ritual. After half an hour we can have breakfast.

Conscious breathing

Simply five or ten minutes of meditation and deep and conscious breathing, yoga or daily affirmations… this is another choice that is gaining in popularity, since it allows us to connect with ourselves. Not only valid but necessary, we have to remember that our first ideas and words in the morning, when everything is quiet and the environment is clean is a precious time. Anyway, we should also make several stops throughout the day and before going to bed.

A Daily Walk?

No matter what time of day you decide to do it, this is a sustainable practice goal: walking one hour every day or, if you prefer, challenge yourself for at least, (as recommended by medical professionals for healthy individuals) 10,000 or 12,000 steps a day. Commute walking when possible, do it at the gym or take a brisk. It’s about moving as much as possible throughout the day. If this is not possible during the week, try to create a balance and take long walks at weekends.

A complete salad per day

Either at lunch or dinner, a salad will help us to cover our daily needs of vegetables and fruits. A simple trick is to make it as colorful as possible and vary it throughout the week. Green leafy vegetables, purple cabbage, colorful peppers, avocado, apple, radishes, purple onion, all these options are full of antioxidants and vitamins. If you need more food, you can incorporate some vegetable protein such as quinoa or lentils, or animal protein such as salmon, tuna, or organic chicken. Also consider adding natural supplements to your diet to include the necessary elements you may be missing.

Fasting once a week

Since ancient times, it has been known that giving the body a rest once a week without eating any food is one of the best possible practices to maintain health and prevent disease. Drinking plenty of fluids such as mountain tea, also adding an eight of honey will help your glucose levels do not drop and avoid dizziness, helping the purification even more effective. If it is too difficult for you, skip breakfast and lunch and have a light dinner with steamed or creamed vegetables.

The ginger superfoods: the (unexpected) rhizome properties

It is no discovery that Ginger has been used since ancient times for its flavour, cooked in a wide variety of sweet and savory dishes; recommended by Ayurveda, the surprising fact about ginger is association with an almost endless list of benefits for different cultures, such as relieving muscle pain, treating the common cold, constipation, fever, gastrointestinal conditions or even hypertension.

Fortunately, new scientific advances in laboratory analytics have made it possible to specifically isolate more than 100 different active constituents of the root of ‘Zingiber officinale’ and to verify several of these widely held ancestral insights. Ginger has been described as a medicine and Science confirms this: it is a potent antioxidant, which can even prevent the generation of free radicals and oxidative stress. But not only.


This rhizome, whose name comes etymologically from the Indo-European language and means ‘earth horn’, has immunomodulatory, anti-tumorigenic, anti-inflammatory, anti-lipidemic and anti-emetic actions, while at the same time having almost no known side-effects (consult your doctor if you may be allergic, could be pregnant or have specific conditions). Symbeeosis testing has shown that organic Dried ginger extract is rich in gingerols, which belong to the broader class of polyphenols; ginger therefore has antimicrobial, antioxidant and tonic properties and it helps against colds and fever, digestive disorders and pain.

It has also been confirmed that, surprisingly, Ginger has a clear sialogogue action, stimulating saliva production, which facilitates swallowing and digestion. Moreover, during 2019, a review of several studies in a peer-reviewed journal confirmed that ginger extract powder and capsules can reduce nausea and vomiting due to diseases or even agressive health treatments.


Symbeeosis Organic Functional Honey with Ginger has a characteristic sweet and spicy taste: the addition of organic Ginger extract gives extra antioxidant properties to help the digestive system function properly, as well as having antimicrobial, antioxidant and tonic properties to help with colds or digestive disorders and discomfort.  Rich in phenolic acids, antioxidants and trace elements, the potency of the Greek honey is enhanced by an innovative process using dried herbal extracts from organic Ginger to create a superfood. One tablespoon of Symbeeosis Organic Functional Honey with Ginger per day can help maintain a healthy digestive system and provides energy at the start of the day. One tablespoon of honey with ginger (24 g) corresponds to an intake of approximately 720 mg of Ginger root.

Organic Greek mountain teas of Symbeeosis are available in 6 flavours. Enriched with dried mountain tea extracts for extra potency and are naturally caffeine-free: the combination with Ginger provides the antioxidant properties and helps strengthen the immune system and memory, promoting a physical and mental well-being. A single pyramids contains a blend of organic mountain tea (Sideritis scardica), organic ginger (Zingiber officinale) and organic mountain tea dry extract (Sideritis scardica).

Symbeeosis organic Greek functional marmalades have a high fresh fruit content (80%), enriched with dried propolis and extra ginger for extra nutritional value. They contain only natural fruit sugars and are free from added sweeteners and artificial flavourings: the orange with ginger combination is a delicious way to enjoy a peppery flavour and have the benefits from ginger. You can serve on yogurt, bread, ice cream or with cheese & cold cuts platter. Try all these super foods!

The (not sweet) truth about artificial sweeteners

Nowadays, due to the search for alternatives to sugar, dozens of products claiming to be “sugar-free” have proliferated on the market, but very often they are loaded with artificial sweeteners that can be very harmful to health. What is the truth of these components?

The main advantage of these sweeteners, although they are artificial, is that they can be consumed while following a weight control diet. However, this is not entirely true because, although they have no calories, the insulin response they produce in the body has not been sufficiently studied in many cases, as well as other harms associated with their consumption, such as the destruction of the intestinal flora, damage to the metabolism, weight gain, acidification of the body and an increase in cardiovascular diseases.


Let’s take a look at the main sweeteners used on the market, one by one, and their characteristics:

– Aspartame: This sweetener has been in the spotlight since the WHO classified it as possibly carcinogenic. It is present in most products claiming to be sugar-free. It is of artificial origin and is composed of methanol, aspartic acid and phenylalanine. As the WHO warns, this sweetener is associated with the risk of type II diabetes or liver or breast cancer.

– Saccharin: It was one of the first sweeteners to be commercialised. The composition of saccharin can vary, but it is mainly obtained from the combination of toluene, a hydrocarbon, or other petroleum derivatives. Continued consumption can lead to metabolic damage and weight gain.

– Sucralose: This sweetener is obtained from the molecular modification of common sugar. Due to its origin, it is classified of natural origin, however, recent studies have associated its consumption with DNA damage, damage to the walls of the intestine and an increased risk of cancer.

– Sorbitol: Sorbitol is a polyol and is another sweetener considered to be natural, as it is produced by the hydrogenation of glucose present in fruits and vegetables. Unlike other sweeteners, sorbitol contains some calories, although fewer than sugar. However, its consumption may cause stomach pains, flatulence or diarrhoea.

– Maltitol: Also contains some calories, but has a low glycaemic index. It is obtained from the hydrogenation of maltose, which is present in starch. The effects of its consumption are similar to those of sorbitol: stomach pain, abdominal bloating and a strong laxative effect.

– Acesulfame K: This sweetener is of synthetic origin. It contains no calories, however, its effect on insulin in the body has not been fully studied and some sources claim that it produces a glycaemic response in the body and can cause metabolic and cardiovascular damage.

– Erititrol: Another sweetener in the spotlight, as its consumption has been associated with an increased risk of heart attack, cardiovascular disease, stroke and damage to the intestinal flora. It belongs to the group of polyols and is extracted from the fermentation of glucose present in starch.


As we can see, sweeteners are not without risk, so we should limit their consumption as much as possible. Of course, the harm associated with their use depends on the amount ingested and their prolonged use over time.

On the contrary, at Symbeeosis we believe that honey, in the right amount, is the healthiest and most delicious sweetener that Nature provides us. Unlike sweeteners, which have zero nutritional content, honey is considered indeed a superfood.

Loaded with vitamins, minerals and trace elements, is a wonderful source of energy to promote health, physical and intellectual performance. Why not create a habit that is sweet, natural and also healthy? Discover the Symbeeosis Organic Greek Honeys (Erica, Oak, Fir or Thyme).

How to increase naturally your focus and concentration

New activities require three key factors to be completed: willpower, concentration and enthusiasm. In this article we will address the importance of concentration and how to increase our ability to focus.

Nowadays, our brain is constantly bombarded with stimuli that seek to capture our attention constantly and often frustrate us in any attempt to accomplish our goals. Surrounded by visual impacts, we often discover ourselves procrastinating or putting off sitting down to complete a task and, whatever we do, it is too late for maintaining our attention. Today we are drawn to any distraction, whether it’s an email, a call or social media notification or even our own thoughts and self-immersion.

This difficulty in maintaining our concentration on something specific makes us lose a lot of time and produces a sense of frustration when we do not achieve what we set out to do. Therefore, we want to rethink deeply about our attentional processes in a wellbeing perspective: from Symbeeosis we share in this article some natural simple keys that can help us to improve this faculty:


A poor diet can be the first reason of our frustrating efforts to concentrate. We must make sure that we are providing our brain with all the nutrients needed to carry out its functions. Some substances are essential: Omega 3, present in oily fish and seeds; aminoacids necessary for the synthesis of neurotransmitters such as serotonin (tryptophan is a precursor that we find in honey, legumes and fruits such as banana or pineapple) or the aminoacid tyrosine (present in almonds, peanuts or avocados). Also antioxidants (in red fruits or mountain tea) and vitamins A, C and E that protect the brain from cognitive damage.


Stay hydrated! Dehydration can decrease our cognitive performance and ability to concentrate by as much as 15%. Keeping our body hydrated will allow our brain to receive oxygenated blood and stay alert. Include the habit of drinking enough water or non-caffeine Symbeeosis teas during all day long.


Have you considered trying natural supplements? Substances such as ginseng, gingko-biloba, rosemary, mint, turmeric or green tea have shown to increase the ability to concentrate when ingested before an activity. Organic Herbal Elixir Brain is specifically designed to be ingested during periods when extra concentration is needed, providing us with the necessary dose of these substances. In addition, a sachet format makes it easily transportable in a hygienic way and allows you to take it before an exam, meeting or study time (from 12 years old).


Help yourself with essential oils: use a simple humidifier or diffuser and add essential oils. Rosemary, peppermint, lavender or citrus fruits such as lemon, orange or bergamot are adequate essential choices. These oils contain chemicals that improve cognitive performance and promote alertness, memory and learning.


Concentration is like a muscle that can be exercised and strengthened. Meditation, besides being a journey into oneself, is a great discipline for learning to focus attention. There are many different techniques, but the observation of the breath has proven to be very effective, as well as simple. Start practicing it once or twice a day for 10 minutes and see how it makes a difference in your life.


Nowadays we have all acquired the habit of doing several things at the same time: we eat while watching TV, we look at our cell phone while watching a movie or reading or we talk by telephone while we are cooking or walking. This exhausts your brain capacity and keeps you in a constant stress that favors states such as depression, irritability and lack of mental and emotional self-control. Train yourself to put your attention on one activity at a certain time. Choose to live consciously and enjoy happily every moment.

Hormonal Health: Endocrine Disruptors and Metabolism

Some simple tips can be really useful in reducing our exposure to endocrine disruptors and, once they are present in our bodies, eliminating them for better health.

Health depends on hormonal balance, in a sentence. Many unexplained health problems can be traced back to a hormonal disorder that may have arisen from a variety of causes. Obesity, type 2 diabetes, metabolic disorders, thyroid problems, chronic fatigue, moodiness, hair loss, acne, excessive sweating, loss of libido or fertility problems are some of the symptoms associated with hormonal imbalances.

Nowadays, it is clear that many diagnosed hormone disorders are exogenous in their origin, i.e. they have an external origin, due to toxic chemicals that we absorb through the environment, cosmetic products or in the food industry. These chemicals that cause hormone problems are known as endocrine disruptors, hormone disruptors or hormone modifiers.

Endocrine disruptors are in fact substances capable of altering certain physiological processes whose activity is controlled by hormones, mimicking their action in some ways and modifying the natural metabolism and synthesis of natural hormones.

Endocrine disruptors in everyday use include bisphenol A and phenols in plastic bottles and packaging; environmental pollutants; pesticides, herbicides and fungicides used by the agri-food industry; hormones used to feed different animals, such us estrogens used to increase milk production in animals; PFOA and Teflon in non-stick frying pans; parabens; triclosan; phenoxyphenol A and phenols in plastic bottles and containers; estrogens used to increase milk production in animals, PFOA and Teflon in non-stick frying pans and very of the parabens, phenoxyethanol and other toxicants in cosmetic products or metabolites found in medicines.

As we can see, we are unfortunately constantly exposed to these hormone modifiers and it is almost impossible to escape their action, but we can take steps to reduce their presence in our bodies:

– Do not buy food packaged in plastic and aluminum and select food packaged in glass or cardboard.

– Drink bottled water in glass or cardboard or use an ecological filter at home to avoid consuming bottled water in plastic.

– Consume organic fruit and vegetables free of agri-food toxins.

– Limit consumption of dairy products from cows, which have a very high oestrogen content.

– Also limit unfermented soya products, whose phytoestrogen content (although of natural origin) can upset hormonal balance.

– Use cooking utensils such as traditional iron pans and those made of wood, glass or ceramic and avoid those containing Teflon, aluminium, lead and plastic.

– Use natural cosmetic products.

– Use natural household cleaning products such as vinegar, lemon, tea tree oil and baking soda; natural soap for dishwashing or laundry salt.

These are some recommendations and tips that are useful to reduce our exposure and intake of endocrine disruptors; however, once they are present in our body, how can we eliminate them? The liver is the main organ in charge of this function, so it is convenient to help it in its detoxification functions and maintain its health in optimal conditions.

As always, Nature is our best ally and offers us useful herbs and plants for this task. Avoiding alcoholic drinks and including several infusions of Nettle, Mountain tea or Chamomile throughout the day, alternating between them, is an excellent and simple way to improve the functioning of the liver and all the organs responsible for the body’s cleansing and detoxification functions. Symbeeosis products are 100% natural, free of preservatives, toxins and endocrine disruptors. In addition, all packaging used in our products is also free of toxins and plastics. Love yourself, love your planet.

Chamomile fans: the real properties of this humble (and surprising) plant

Relieving anxiety, improving sleep and helping with the stomach: infused chamomile has many real benefits for our health.

Similar in appearance to small daisies, chamomile is a herbaceous plant that can grow up to 60cm. The beauty of this plant resides in the fact that its benefits are found in its pleasantly scented flowers. Its Greek name (χαμομήλι) comes from its characteristic apple scent during spring when it blooms.

This aromatic plant has been used for medicinal purposes for centuries and it is known throughout the world for its properties, three of which are particularly important: its gastrointestinal effects, its effects against colds and its unknown ability to relieve mental stress. It is the flowers of this plant that contain polyphenols and terpenoids, chemical compounds that give this tea its properties.

In fact, the infusion of these flowers has already been officially recognized by the European Medicines Agency as a traditional herbal medicinal product for its beneficial effects against colds, gastrointestinal disorders and the treatment of inflammation; even on the skin, ingested and topically, chamomile has an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effect that helps to reduce irritations, eczema and allergies.

This herbal tea helps us with stomach upset and relieves cold symptoms, with a secondary effect: it provides peace of mind, helping to activate the immune system. Recent studies show that this tea helps to control cortisol levels and helps you fall asleep more easily. What could be more appetizing than a cup of chamomile tea in a winter day?


Symbeeosis cultivates organic chamomile with care and attention, obtaining a chamomile of excellent quality, with all the special characteristics that make it so unique. For even greater potency, the Symbeeosis blend is enhanced with active dry extracts of chamomile.

Our chamomile comes from the plain of Thessaly, near the river Pinios. It is cultivated with the most modern ecological practices by a cooperative producer with absolute respect for the environment; our regenerative agricultural practices include proper use of natural resources and zero chemicals. Sustainable growing practices are implemented together with smart farming, to achieve naturally greater bioactivity.


For optimal preparation, just use enough water to fill your cup, then do not exceed 90 ºC. Immerse the pyramid in this water for 3-5 minutes. It is best to cover the mug to maximize the flavors and active ingredients of the beverage. Then remove the pyramid and add Symbeeosis Organic Honey if desired.

Cold drink? Prepare as for the hot drink with half the amount of water and top off with cold water or ice cubes. Cold brew? Also a fantastic idea: use the 3 pyramids in a 750ml jug of cold water in the fridge for 24 hours and enjoy all the flavors of this unique brewing method. Chamomile fans, it’s time.

Natural peace: how to combat stress in a sustainable way?

Controlling stress in a natural and sustainable way may seem difficult in general terms: however, we can improve our stress management skills with a few adjustments.

Recent studies show that more than 40% of adults suffer from stress. These are alarming statistics, as stress, in addition to affecting our quality of life and deteriorating our relationships with the people around us, is one of the main causes of cardiovascular diseases: stroke, depression, anxiety, obesity and diabetes, among other diseases, are also correlated with stress.

The WHO defines stress as “a state of worry or mental tension caused by a difficult situation”. So-called “acute” stress is thus a normal biological reaction that puts us on alert and prepares us to act at a certain critical moment. However, the problem comes up when stress becomes chronic, mainly as a consequence of our way of life. We become irritable, out of control and susceptible and vulnerable to illness.

How can we interact with our stress? It is clear that most of the situations around us are beyond our control, but what we can control is how we react to them. This is the fundamental key to learning to cope with stress and is arguably one of life’s great lessons. It has to do with our ability to manage our own emotions, thoughts and, ultimately, to take control of our own lives.

This may seem like a difficult exercise, but there are some adjustments to consider. In systemic terms, we can improve our management of this stress management task as follows:

You are what you eat

Symbeeosis has developed its own vision based on the importance of nutrition and how it affects all facets of our lives. Our diet can help us to live in balance and it can be; on the opposite, a great obstacle to achieving it: when we are stressed our blood receives a lot of cortisol, so the worst thing is to consume foods that further elevate levels of this hormone, such as sugar, caffeine, sausages, processed foods and alcohol. Instead, incorporate serotonin-boosting foods such as honey, dark chocolate, chickpeas and chamomile into our diet. Magnesium also plays a key role in balancing our nervous system and is found in large doses in green leafy vegetables, almonds, bananas, avocado and cocoa. Also consider to include a Herbal Relax Elixir* or relaxing natural teas in your daily routine.

Breathe consciously

The respiratory system is the network that helps you breathe and smell: if you stop and observe your body’s response, you will notice that it is not possible to be in a state of nervousness or stress and, at the same time, to have a deep, rhythmic breathing. In stressful situations, our breathing becomes rapid, choppy and shallow. Breathing is therefore a great ally in any situation. In a stressful situation, stop, go to a quiet place, close your eyes if possible and take a few slow, deep breaths. Visualising a calm lake, a sun in the solar plexus or imagining yourself surrounded by light can help you, and you will see how everything takes on a different dimension afterwards.

Regular exercise

Exercise is a key to increase the body’s ability to respond to stress. This is because it improves “communication” between the muscular, renal, cardiovascular, nervous and sympathetic systems. It also helps the brain by increasing the concentration of noreinephrine in the regions of the brain involved in the stress response and producing dopamine, serotonin and endorphins.

Hidden time (for what you enjoy)

Painting, dancing, reading, writing, cooking… we often sacrifice the activities that give us the most satisfaction and pleasure in order to attend to our responsibilities or simply because of a poor agenda. Make sure you set aside a few hours a week to do that you enjoy most. If you haven’t found a specific hobby so far, find an activity that engages your body, mind and well-being. Join a creative workshop and explore your skills and talents.

Make your home a oasis of calm

Our home is our refuge. Untidy rooms, dishes piled up in the kitchen, clothes in piles… all this chaos affects our mind and our mood. Organizing ourselves and  the people you live with a certain discipline and routines of order and cleanliness can make a big difference in coexistence and when we get home after a long working day, even more so if we work from home. Gestures such as perfuming your home with relaxing essential oils or placing plants and vegetation will help you to maintain a state of inner balance.

* Symbeeosis’ mission is to help us to achieve a greater well-being, health and quality of life in connection with our environment and with nature. We are aware that stress is one of the biggest obstacles to achieving this, which is why we have created our Organic Herbal Relax Elixir supplement, composed of a synergy of plants and 100% natural substances such as Passionflower, Chamomile flowers, Goji Berries, Lemon Balm and Orange Essential Oil to help us combat stress naturally and improve the health of our sleep.

Sunday wish: a special breakfast or brunch

During the weekends, love yourself and your planet. Try something special for breakfast or brunch with the people you love. Eating tasty and healthy is not incompatible if you prepare some of these delicacies with a Greek touch!

Mountain Tea Lemonade:

– Boil 300 ml. of water.

– Put the water at a temperature between 85-90 degrees in a pitcher with 2 bags of Greek Organic Mountain Tea and Ginger.

– After 5 minutes, take out the bags and add 700 ml of cold water.

– Add the juice of three lemons

– Sweeten with Organic Functional Honey and Ginger (to taste)

Hibiscus tea:

– Do the same with the lemonade but this time add three bags of Greek Organic Mountain Tea and Hibiscus and do not add lemon.

This tea is delicious and has a beautiful raspberry pink color that will give a sophisticated touch to your table.

French toast:

– Beat the eggs (one for each toast you are going to prepare) with a pinch of cinnamon and vanilla extract.

– Introduce each slice of bread (eco) in the egg mixture on both sides.

– Heat a frying pan or griddle greased with extra virgin coconut oil (this oil resists high temperatures)

– Place the toast and cook until golden brown on both sides.

– Once prepared, place them on a nice plate,

– Serve with a splash of Greek Organic Thyme Honey

– Place sliced ​​strawberries and berries to taste

Greek yogurt with chia seeds and Greek Organic Honey and Propolis (a boost for your immune system)

Greek salad with tomato, cucumber, red onion, Kalamata olives, feta cheese, sea salt and extra virgin olive oil.

Bowl of trail mix

Wholemeal bread with smoked salmon and a touch of tzatziki

Select a nice tablecloth, take out your best crockery, decorate the table with fresh flowers and enjoy!

Turmeric Honey Anti-Inflammatory Vinaigrette

Ideal for dressing salads with arugula and spinach sprouts since the contrast between the bitterness of these leaves and the sweetness of honey is delicious.

Also, by adding black pepper we are able to increase the absorption of curcumin by the body.

 – Juice of half a lemon

 – Zest of lemon peel

 – 1/4 cup Extra Virgin Olive Oil

 – 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar

 – 1 teaspoon salt

 – 2 spoons of Organic Functional Honey with Turmeric

 – Pinch of black pepper

 Beat everything to emulsify

Orange marmalade vinaigrette 

(ideal to accompany salads that contain cheese)

 – 1/4 cup of Extra Virgin Olive Oil

 – 2 tablespoons Balsamic vinegar

 – 2 tablespoons of Organic Marmalade with Orange and Ginger

 – Salt to taste

Flu and common cold season: what is organic functional honey with propolis extraordinary for, and why?

Symbeeosis organic honey can be functionally enriched with propolis extract to enhance its antimicrobial and antioxidant properties, thus strengthening our body’s immune system.

Nowadays, including functional foods in our diet is becoming more and more popular. For Symbeeosis, functional foods are the best tool to combine our traditional knowledge about the benefits of a product with the latest advances in Nutritional Sciences, resulting in exceptional products in which all properties are exponentially increased. Moreover, all this process is carried out through processes that respect the environment, people and the planet. In this post, we are going to talk about one of our star products: our organic functional honey with propolis.


Let’s remember that the word “propolis” origin is Greek: “pro” means “defence” and “polis” means “city”. Let’s see why. Propolis is a substance created by bees from substances such as resins, mucilage and saps secreted and exuded by different trees and plants. The bee, mainly during the autumn months, sets out on its journey to capture these substances and returns directly to its hive, carrying them in a small basket on its hind legs and then, with the help of other worker bees, kneads and mixes them with other substances such as pollen, wax, essential oils and others from its own metabolism, resulting in the famous “propolis”.

Due to its bactericidal, disinfectant and antifungal properties, propolis serves to seal the hive and protect it from various external agents. It is also rich in B vitamins, provitamin A, amino acids, minerals and flavonoids. It is therefore a genuine natural antibiotic which, with proper production and medical application controls, can be of great importance. Our dry propolis extract is produced using a patented processing method, from which an extract with a constant polyphenolic composition is obtained: polyphenols are associated with the antibacterial, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory action of propolis, thus protecting and strengthening the human body.


If we add to our Organic honey, a “superfood” par excellence, these magnificent properties of propolis, through a process that guarantees the purity of both substances, we are creating a functional product of extraordinary qualities, especially in the cold months. Its anti-inflammatory, antibiotic, healing, immune system stimulating and respiratory tract protective properties, among many others, make it the ideal food for preventing and curing colds and protecting you from different viruses and infections.

Moreover, our hives are located in remote areas of mainland Greece and the islands, known for their rich biodiversity. We carry out ethical, responsible and regenerative beekeeping practices, thus guaranteeing organic honey and bee products from traditional Greek bee populations, free of pesticides and pollutants.

How to use it? It’s very easy, you can incorporate this functional superfood into your diet by using it to sweeten your favourite dessert, yoghurt or fruit recipes at breakfast, make a salad dressing for lunch or dinner, accompany your drinks, especially teas and infusions throughout the day, or simply take a spoonful or two throughout the day. One spoonful of Symbeeosis honey with propolis per day is enough to strengthen your immune system and corresponds to an intake of approximately 220 mg of propolis and its equal polyphenols.

Turmeric & Honey: the power of two

Ancestral to many cultures, these two products with anti-inflammatory properties are now combined in a revolutionary functional product from Symbeeosis.

It is widely accepted among Nutrition Science researchers that our consumption habits are cultural and, to a large extent, based on local customs: food is a cultural heritage, but we can understand more and include or exclude food choices. On the one hand, although many countries such as India have known about the properties of turmeric and consumed it for thousands of years, it is only in recent years that western countries have become familiar with its flavour and extraordinary anti-inflammatory properties.

On the other hand, honey is an ancient food whose infinite antioxidant, medicinal, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties are well known. Its use is ancestral and there are cave representations of honey showing human interest in the attractive qualities of this ambrosia.


Recent discoveries confirm that multiple diseases such as cancer, type 2 diabetes, autoimmune and neurodegenerative diseases are associated with chronic inflammation: in fact, recent studies claim that more than 50% of deaths worldwide are associated with some form of inflammation.

The main problem with chronic inflammation is that it is a silent disease; that is, it can cause the body’s tissues to suffer damage for years without any symptoms, discomfort or pain. So how can we know if we are suffering from chronic inflammation? To do this, we need to review our habits and our physical condition. Poor diet, poor sleep, stress, obesity, exposure to chemicals, lack of exercise, smoking and alcohol are all factors that trigger an inflammatory response in the body in different ways. If, on the other hand, we eat a diet rich in fibre and plant foods, low in sugars, fats and processed meats, maintain a healthy weight, exercise, keep stress at bay and sleep well, we will be much less likely to suffer from this disease in its various manifestations.


Thanks to Nutritional science, we know that there can be foods whose chemical composition makes them particularly interesting for preventing or treating inflammation. Cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli and cabbage, natural probiotics such as kefir, sauerkraut or kombucha, which regenerate the intestinal flora, or green leafy vegetables, are foods with anti-inflammatory properties that we should incorporate into our diet.

However, there are two foods that stand out in particular: turmeric and honey. Turmeric contains an active compound called curcumin, which has been shown to match the anti-inflammatory effect of certain drugs without side effects. On the other hand, recent studies have identified components in honey called H-VLNs, nanoparticles (membrane-bound particles containing proteins, lipids and ribonucleic acid) that stand out for their anti-inflammatory capacity.


At Symbeeosis we believe that prevention is the smartest thing you can do for your health, so we encourage you to try Organic Greek Honey and Turmeric product. One or two tablespoons a day will be enough to benefit from its anti-inflammatory and nourishing properties.

Functional foods are foods that are enriched with ingredients such as vitamins, minerals, propolis, turmeric, probiotics or fibre, so that when consumed can have a great positive effect. Symbeeosis organic functional honey with turmeric is available in a 280 gr glass jar with easily removable labels that can be reused as a container to store herbs, seeds and nuts, or as a pencil container – and of course it can be recycled. Add it to your favourite teas and infusions, spread it on toast or wholemeal porridge for breakfast or make a delicious vinaigrette to accompany your salads. The power of two!

Saturday Active Breakfast

If you go to the gym or train your body, you need fuel for your muscles and energy to help you maintain the intensity of your workouts. A good breakfast is essential. However, it must be quick to prepare and light so that digestion does not interfere with your training. We know that there are people who prefer to train before breakfast: this recipe is designed to be effective both before and after training. It can also be consumed as a snack if you do your workouts in the afternoon.

Also, if you feel like you need an energy boost before starting your exercises, try preparing our Organic Herbal Elixir Energy with invigorating and stimulating properties (caffeine free) containing Panax Ginseng, Siberian Ginseng, Propolis and Ginger.

Before training:

– A banana

– A handful of nuts or a tablespoon of peanut butter

– 150gr. approx. Greek yogurt with a tablespoon of Organic Functional Honey and Ginger

Ideal post workout sandwich:

– 2 slices of organic rye bread

– Tomato slices

– Cucumber slices

– Spinach leaves

– Protein to choose: Smoked salmon, tuna or 2 hard-boiled eggs

– Half avocado sliced ​

– A splash of extra virgin olive oil

– A pinch of sea salt

– A pinch of ground black pepper

Nettle, the new ‘matcha’?

Nettle has become the new ‘wellness drink’. Because of its green color, tannin-rich flavor and stimulating properties, it has been compared to matcha tea. Here’s why.

Nettle is a plant that has been used since ancient times for its many benefits. In daily use since ancient Greece, it was attributed all kinds of properties: powerful purifying, energising, anti-anaemic, digestive, diuretic, anti-inflammatory, rich in antioxidants, beneficial for lactating women [because of its galactogenic action], and also useful both during menstruation [and menopausal disorders].

Also new discoveries highlight this herb: recent studies have also shown it to be very beneficial in the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia, in reducing blood sugar levels and bad cholesterol, lowering blood pressure, reducing allergies, relieving constipation and improving pain caused by arthritis, sciatica or lumbago.


Nettle also stands out for its nutritional content, as it is very rich in vitamins A, B1, B5 C, K and D, minerals such as iron, calcium, magnesium, silicon, potassium, manganese and phosphorus; it contains all the essential amino acids, is rich in chlorophyll, beta-carotene or lutein and has a very high antioxidant content. Due to its extraordinary ability to purify the body [blood, liver, kidneys, spleen, intestines and skin], nettle stimulates our immune system and body.

It is recommended to take “nettle cures” twice a year: ideally in autumn or before winter and again in spring. These “nettle cures” are done for twenty-one days and consist of drinking three cups of nettle infusion throughout the day: first on an empty stomach half an hour before our breakfast, adding the juice of half a lemon and a teaspoon of honey; another half an hour before lunch [without lemon, honey is optional], and the last one after dinner, without adding any other product. These “nettle cures” will eliminate toxins, reset your body and bring great vitality and energy to your system.


Nettle infusion is a caffeine-free herbal tea, so it provides vigour and energy without affecting the nervous system or causing anxiety. It is also a perfect ally for slimming, as it produces a feeling of satiety when consumed half an hour before each meal and has a diuretic effect.

We also encourage you to use nettle infusion topically, i.e. you can apply it cold directly to the skin, as it is particularly effective for treating hair loss, dandruff or scalp hyperseborrhoea, or in the case of psoriasis, eczema and acne. Have you ever been told about the exceptional qualities of this herb? The natural knowledge of our herbs is of great importance, and at symbeeosis we believe in showing and sharing of the wisdom of nature: as Hippocrates said, the great wisdom.

Intuition and Nutrition: a new perspective for human wellbeing?

Intuition is a suggestive and certainly open-ended term. However, this immediate and clear knowledge, understanding or cognition, without the intervention of reasoning, is beginning to play a key role in an increasingly new technological era. This sixth sense, as recently published by the Berkeley Wellbeing Institute, includes the instinct, but goes beyond that.

For MacLennan, animals can also use their intuition. For Bain, instinct is “the untaught ability”. For Einstein “all great achievements must start from intuitive knowledge”. For Gandhi, “everyone who wills can gear the inner voice”.

Neuroscience has recently confirmed a relationship between intuition and our brain response, often associated with the right side of the brain or “analog brain”. Science magazine has located it in the ventromedial prefrontal cortex, a part of the system where we store information about the past, which triggers non-conscious responses that we register as intuition (Cacioppo, 2004).

Intuition and Food

In connection to food, recent scientific articles relate intuition with a more logical and healthy way of eating. This method would allow eating in a healthy way, helping our body to recognize that the way we treat it is an essential piece for our equilibrium, and this methodology has reported positive results (Van Dyke & Drinkwater, 2013).

In the article “Learning to eat intuitively: A qualitative exploration of the experience of mid-age women” (Barraclough et al, 2019), a group of researchers described the concept that is beginning to be known as Intuitive Eating (IE), which has to do with “recognizing bodily signals of hunger and satiety,” as well as other inputs, “beyond emotional or externally imposed feeding” (Tribole and Resch, 2012; Tylka and van Diest, 2013).

Researchers point out that simply forcing or food restriction has a limited long-term course, as it can increase preoccupation and compulsive effect (Field et al., 2004; Polivy and Herman, 1985; Ward and Mann, 2000) and weight cycling (Field et al., 2004).

Is it possible to eat more intuitively? How do you know if the voice you don’t hear is the right one? A conscious way of eating is being nowadays proposed, based in the idea of mindfulness eating: being kind to oneself implies not eating more than we intend, or foods that do not make us feel good with chemical substances, sugar or carbohydrates in excess. On the other hand, it connects us with the food that is truly beneficial for us.

Real Wellbeing

From a deeper reconsideration of “wellbeing” concept, we intend to abandon the idea of “prohibition” and promote a deeper commitment to each of us, based on the observation of how certain foods help us, how it makes us feel after consumption and how we can modify our habits to achieve sustainable change. One possible model (Hawks et al, 2004), proposes four vectors of discussion:

– Intrinsic: the ability to recognize the physical signs of hunger, satisfaction and fullness.
– Extrinsic: consideration of a wider range of food possibilities beyond those we want to eat.
– Anti-diet: appreciation of food and focusing attention on the physical effects of what we eat.
– Self-care: valuation of health and energy more than appearance.

The Berkeley Wellbeing Institute invites us to check our habits and propose four steps to connect more with our intuitive eating process:

1.Ditch the distractions (specially TV or phone).

2. Connect with your body (closing your eyes and connecting with your sensations).

3. Enjoy healthy but tasty (best food can be delicious).

4. Don’t punish yourself (eating skills can be acquired step by step).

According to Intuitive Eating, what makes us feel good now can also make us feel better later if we connect with our intuition. And it’s a way to create better habits. Certainly, this approach becomes specially interesting because it is deeply regenerative. We are, as Borges wrote, not only what we reason, but also “the numerous cloud that melts in the west, the rose that becomes another rose”. We are what we intuit, we are also intuition.

Friday Green Morning Smoothie

Green foods have excellent properties for our body, as a wonderful source of chlorophyll, beta-carotene, antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins A, C, B, E, and K, among others. If we want to maintain our health in optimal conditions, we must ensure sufficient intake of green vegetables. However, some people find it difficult to incorporate these foods into their daily diet, so a morning smoothie is the best way to ensure their consumption without losing taste.

Fruits and vegetables should be the basis of our diet. They help us keep our body at an alkaline pH (less than 7) in which pathogenic microorganisms cannot proliferate. Our immune system constitutes a “wall” which defends and protects us from external invasions. Our health depends on his strength. Strengthen your immune system by using Symbeeosis Organic Herbal Immune Elixir that includes Propolis, Echinacea, Vitamin C and Siberian Ginseng. For this recipe just mix:

– A handful of fresh bio thorns
– 2 leaves of organic romaine lettuce
– Half Organic Cucumber
– Half a sprig of organic celery
– Half an avocado
– One Apple
– Half banana
– A tablespoon of Greek Organic Functional Honey and Propolis

10 ways to boost your energy and immune system this Fall season

Ten simple ideas to increase your energy levels and well-being.

1. A morning cocktail: After 7 or 8 hours of sleep, our body needs to recover its hydration levels and a shot of energy. In a glass of hot water (not burning) add a teaspoon of organic honey, half a teaspoon of cinnamon and the juice of half a lemon. This cocktail will help the basic cleansing functions of your body and intestine while giving you energy, vitamins and minerals and also keeping your insulin levels stable.

2. Move! To stay energized, you have to move. Incorporating an exercise routine early in the morning (better before breakfast) and getting the first rays of sunshine will make a big change in your life. A forest bathing is not always possible: but going for a walk in a nearby park or even doing an exercise chart and deep breathing in your own home will help you face the day in a totally different way.

3. A Cold Shower? Cold showers are incredibly beneficial for boosting your immune system, as they increase the number of white blood cells in our body (in charge of protecting our body from diseases and infections). Get in the habit of ending your showers with a splash of cold water all over your body.

4. Nutritious breakfast: Your body needs the best possible food to face all the activities of the day. Incorporating chia seeds, flax seeds and nuts, fruit and vegetable smoothies and the right amount of protein into your breakfast will make all the difference throughout the morning. A sachet of Organic Herbal Elixir Energy will also give you that extra boost you need without resorting to caffeine.

5. A little nap: Studies show that the Mediterranean habit of having a 20-30 minute break after eating boosts the immune system, improves the endocrine system and even improves mood. Of course, we’re not talking about a pajama nap: resting longer than 30 minutes will have the opposite effect, making you drowsy in the afternoon and making it harder to fall asleep at night.

6. Enough calories: Maintaining energy during the day is not possible if you are on a diet that is too restrictive. If you want to lose weight, focus on eliminating processed foods, sugar, simple carbohydrates and hydrogenated fats, and increase your activity through exercise. Consuming enough healthy fats will keep you satiated and it will help to balance your hormonal system. A tablespoon of olive, coconut or flax oil, or a handful of nuts mid-afternoon will give you that needed energy boost without making you gain weight.

7. …But not too many: Just as a restrictive diet limits your energy levels and undermines your health by subjecting your body to nutritional deficiencies, an excessive calorie diet will make you feel tired and heavy throughout the day. If you stress your body with constant and heavy digestion you will notice that your energy will be lower and your ability to focus and concentrate will be very far worse. Eliminate from your diet certain foods and sugars that create insulin spikes with their corresponding “highs” and opt for fresh, energetic and easy-to-digest foods.

8. Control stress: Studies have shown the disasters that stress generates in our organism. Stress robs us of our mood, energy and health. Get in the habit of making small stops throughout the day where you can retreat to a quiet place, close your eyes, take several deep breaths and connect with yourself.

9. Weekends & Nature: In previous articles we described the benefits of forest bathing. Getting in frequent contact with nature, whether it’s walking in the woods or taking sea baths, will do wonders for your mood, energy levels and quality of life. Walking on the land (preferably barefoot), soaking up the sun’s rays and exposing your body to the elements brings you life, peace and connection with your surroundings.

10. Quality sleep: Lack of sleep or insomnia exponentially decreases your health and quality of life. Often, sleep problems are associated with stress, diet and/or sedentary habits. A simple ritual before bedtime can help you a lot to have a restful sleep: try to have dinner three hours before bedtime so that digestion does not rob you of sleep; an hour before bedtime prepare a chamomile tea (one or two pyramids), add a teaspoon of organic honey and a sachet of Organic Herbal Elixir Relax; try not to be exposed to screens and go to bed with a good book. Also, avoid caffeine and stimulating drinks after 5 p.m. and replace them with antioxidant organic mountain tea with wonderful effects on your health and well-being.

Thursday Comfort Porridge Morning

On these cold days, fancy that! A hot breakfast that gives you an extra dose of comfort and well-being without losing flavor: nutritious and delicious as oatmeal itself. It is a complex carbohydrate with a high fiber content, an excellent source of B-complex vitamins, beta-glutanes that help maintain cholesterol levels in the blood, silicon that helps bones and a remarkable supply of protein. You will be satiated and you will not experience a drop in energy during the morning.

If you are going to carry out an intellectual activity and need a focus, include our Organic Herbal Elixir Brain. If you have school-age children (over 12 years old), this 100% natural elixir, designed so that its ingredients act in symbiosis and free of synthetic vitamins, will help them improve their cognitive abilities, memory and attention.

Now is the time for you to prepare your porridge!

Put 250 ml of milk of your choice and add 4 tablespoons of organic whole grain oats to a pan

After heating up, stir the preparation while it acquires a thick appearance (5 minutes approx.)

Add Organic Functional Honey and Turmeric or Organic Functional Honey and Propolis.

Pour the mixture into a bowl and sprinkle a teaspoon of Ceylon cinnamon on top.

You can add berries, sliced banana, fruit or nuts to taste.

Wednesday Protein Muscle Boost

In order to take care of your weight and your health, you need a good balance of macronutrients in your meals. Proteins are like bricks for your body and it is important for you to ensure an adequate intake of these (although we must not exceed them either if we do not want to overload the liver and kidneys). This breakfast contains everything your body needs: high-quality protein, complex carbohydrates, and good fats.

But before starting your breakfast, recharge your batteries with a Organic Herbal Vitality elixir. With this simple step you will be providing your body with a good dose of vitamin C, Ginseng and other fantastic ingredients that help your well-being.

Now it’s time for breakfast!

– Put a little bit of extra virgin olive oil in a frying pan

– Add in a bowl the white of two organic eggs and one yolk, a pinch of salt. Beat them, pour over the hot pan and prepare an omelet or scrambled eggs, depending on your preference.

– Put the omelette or scrambled eggs on a slice of wholemeal toast with seeds.

– Cut some slices of avocado and place them on the eggs.

– Open a bag of Greek Organic Mountain Tea Trinity and sprinkle a few leaves on the toast.

– Add a pinch of sea salt and a splash of extra virgin olive oil.

Tuesday Antioxidant Morning Drink (and Meal)

A breakfast full of antioxidants is just what you need to continue your week full of energy, doing something good for yourself and your health. Remember that keeping your liver in optimal condition is essential for your health!

Prepare this drink as soon as you wake up and drink it while you do your first activities, skincare routine or checking your emails:

– Boil 200 ml. of water and add a bag of Organic Greek Mountain Tea and Ginger.

– Add a teaspoon of Organic Functional Honey and Ginger.

– Add a splash of lemon juice.

Now you are ready for a healthy and delicious breakfast!

– Blend a banana together with a handful of strawberries, half a teaspoon of Ceylon cinnamon and a dash of your favorite non-dairy milk (almond or coconut are excellent options but make sure they do not contain sugar or syrup among their ingredients). You look for a certain consistency.

– Pour the smoothie into a bowl.

– Top with chia seeds, blueberries, blackberries, goji berries, pumpkin seeds, walnuts and chopped almonds.

Monday Perfect Smoothie

Do you feel a swollen belly after your weekend whims? Nothing better than starting your week with a good smoothie full of fiber, antioxidants and vitamins to help you drain and relieve that feeling of heaviness.

To prepare this diuretic and intestinal transit smoothie follow these steps:

1. Boil 200 ml. of water and add a bag of Organic Greek Nettle (helps eliminate toxins and has diuretic properties). Let your infusion cool down for a bit before making your smoothie.

2. Put the following ingredients in your blender:

– A handful of organic spinach

– 1 organic green apple

– 1 or 2 organic kiwis

– 1 tablespoon of flax seeds (preferably crushed)

– 1 teaspoon of extra virgin olive oil

– 1 tablespoon of organic Greek honey and turmeric

– 1 teaspoon Ceylon cinnamon

TIP: Replace the water by adding your previously prepared Nettle infusion

The Power of Turmeric: a natural anti-inflammatory solution

Which of turmeric’s supposed properties are real? Is it really that effective? Symbeeosis team defines and shares its legendary power.

Turmeric is not only a spice that has been used for thousands of years in countries such as India and China, where it has been added to many traditional dishes and recipes for its sweet with a spicy and bitter flavour… From legendary times, it has been considered a therapeutic remedy by Ayurvedic medicine and traditional Chinese medicine. However, interest in this powerful spice is relatively recent in our western countries and it coincides with the discovery of its many properties by nutritional science that can be combined with our traditional knowledge.

Main properties of turmeric

        – Anti-inflammatory and analgesic superpower: Turmeric has been called the natural ibuprofen, and certainly, we can consider it a very powerful anti-inflammatory and analgesic without the side effects of any other synthetic anti-inflammatory. This effect is produced by the action of curcuminoids (Curcumin, Demethoxycurcumin and Bisdemethoxycurcumin) that inhibit an enzyme called 5-lipooxygenase, responsible for triggering a series of inflammatory processes in the body as well as the enzyme cyclooxygenase-2, responsible for the formation of prostaglandins in the inflammatory process, among others.

        – Anticancer properties: Curcumin inhibits metalloproteinases, responsible for tumor metastasis or expansion. It also inhibits BCL-2 and BCL-X1 proteins, which are activated in many tumors and prevent cells from entering apoptosis, a process that allows the death of the malignant cell.

        – Intestinal permeability: It has a beneficial action on the intestinal mucosa and regulates the intestinal microbiota by increasing the amount of good bacteria for the body and reducing the population of harmful bacteria.

– Antioxidant: It increases the activity of superoxide dismutase and catalase enzymes, offering protection against oxidative stress.

        – Liver protector: Turmeric increases bile flow, reduces hepatotoxicity and improves liver function, helping in the treatment of fatty liver and other liver diseases.

        – Cardiovascular health: Turmeric improves endothelial function, resulting in improved blood flow and blood vessel lining.

        – Skin diseases: It helps in the treatment of diseases such as skin cancer by inhibiting DNA oxidation in the epidermis or psoriasis.

Scientific evidence can be found here

A recipe for the summer

It is not always easy due to its strong flavor and its high pigmenting power, therefore, we propose you to consume it in a delicious and powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory infusion that combines the power of mountain tea, dry ginger root extract and honey.

Follow these simple instructions:

        – Place a pyramid of Symbeeosis Greek Organic Mountain Tea with Ginger in a cup and pour 200 ml. Of water at 90º.

        – Add a teaspoon of Greek Organic Honey with Turmeric.

        – Add a few drops of lemon, which will provide vitamin C.

        – Use ice to make it cold for the summer days.

#ToBeeHappening, Season 2, Episode 4: An interview with Pedro Tarak, cofounder of Sistema B

“How to be more successful? Using better questions!”
Pedro Tarak is the co-founder and former president of Sistema B International, part of the extended international Symbeeosis network.

Listen to this podcast as you develop your culinary skills with Symbeeosis Organic Culinary Herbs.

The real time: 3 differences between chronological and biological age

Chronological age refers to the actual amount of time a person has existed. moreover, biological age refers to the epigenetic alteration of its cells.

Nowadays, science has shown that this description is not only the result of subjective sensations that we experience regarding age but also the difference between chronological or calendrical age and biological age is “real”. Indeed, today it is possible to analyze and measure aging through different studies that examine parameters or biomarkers such as the functioning of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems and muscle structure; the study of the structure of immunoglobulin; the condition of the skin; the analysis of our organs for senses of sight and hearing; memory tests or the measurement of the length of telomeres (located at the ends of chromosomes, providing a protective function on them). Through these markers it is possible to determine the biological age of a person!

Many recent studies have concluded that although genetics is a factor to be taken into account, it is not the determining factor since it only determines around 30% of our age; lifestyle is more relevant and determines it even in a 50% and finally, stress management can determine about 20% of our aging.

Aging is a natural physiological process and we must, as individuals and as a society, learn to embrace and understand it correctly (we recommend readings and praises of old age such as those of Seneca or Cicero). However, the body is an instrument that we can take care of and it can respond with energy, strength and vitality: it is possible. The biological clock (an innate mechanism to control the physiological activities of an organism that change on a daily, seasonal, yearly, or other regular cycle) cannot be stopped but it can be slowed down and this can be done in different ways.

In Symbeeosis, we strongly believe through our investigations that a healthy diet based on 60%-80% high quality fruits and vegetables, active living, engaging in moderate exercise such as walking (as it can be argued that it is the perfect exercise versus strenuous exercise, which increases the risk of heart attack) and a way of facing life with serenity and joy, cultivating our mind and spirit, contribute greatly to keeping the body young and vigorous and our mind and spirit elevated. On the contrary, habits such as smoking, alcohol consumption, a sedentary lifestyle, being overweight, stress or destructive mental and emotional habits, act in the opposite direction.

Some of our Symbeeosis products, such as the Mountain tea, with a high content of antioxidants that neutralize free radicals which cause aging, or our range of food supplements that act as cofactors in stress management and sleep optimization (Organic Herbal Elixir Relax) or in optimization of our memory and neurological (Brain), turn out to be great allies in the process of slowing down the biological clock and living in harmony with our body and the planet!

“How to be more successful? Using better questions!” An interview with Pedro Tarak, cofounder of Sistema B

Pedro Tarak is the co-founder and former president of Sistema B International, part of the extended international Symbeeosis network

Pedro Tarak has an impressive background as an international impact entrepreneur, a global changemaker, strategist and innovator. He is, without doubt, one of the strongest international voices in the regenerative and sustainable business approach. 

“What is the purpose of a company? No baby is born to make money, so… what happens next that we get confused?” asks Pedro Tarak, co-founder and former president of Sistema B, in the beginning of this conversation, and his point of view is very clear: “A purpose”, he continues, “at least in the Western World, it is not an option nowadays. In a context where individualism has been exacerbated, every person and every company has to ask different questions to find, in a holistic manner, the answers to many different and important questions, among which is the key one “For what?”.    

S: How do you recharge your energy?

P.T: I have three dimensions: the first one is connecting with people. I am very curious, and I love meeting people. We get energy from others. That is a huge source of inspiration. I would say that the second main source is just being in pristine Nature; unfortunately there are few places in the world nowadays where you can be surrounded by pristine Nature, but you can always find a powerful source of energy in natural environments. It requires silence and awareness of your body and suddenly you connect with something: another dimension, our earthly dimension. Then, a third dimension is completely spiritual and can be experienced wherever, in the bus, in traffic, in Nature… it happens when you connect with the cosmos, with your spiritual dimension, it requires concentration… For me, the key is the combination of these three dimensions. I exercise this kind of visualisation of myself in a context, including my location, the people around me and Nature, it is something I do since my childhood.

S: How do you think one can truly connect with others?

P.T: As you are always exposed to people, as I am exposed to many, that is one huge source of energy if you really connect. Listening to the purpose of others and making it your own helps a lot. How could I help? How can something good for all of us be possible? [he explains an anecdote in Central China]. The notion of individualism is very limited.

S: Is that idea connected to mental health in our society?

P.T: In fact, I come from a city that has the second highest rate of psychotherapists in the world, and the second highest in the world in psychologists. Once you start understanding that you don’t end in the borders of your body, that your energy reaches out as far as you allow yourself. As soon as you start understanding the me-we, you start understanding also the me-we-earth, you are part of others and part of Nature, and finally you get to the me-cosmos, wherever you want to reach. Then you start living a beautiful experience of bonding but also belonging to different dimensions and that enables the full experience of life for individuals in a context where the me-me-me and I-I-I has been exacerbated as a system.

S. How do you believe in the power of questioning?

P.T: I love Socrates. I think he was the expert in questions, in teaching, rather than saying how things are or in mental patterns. Also, he asked questions in the Market. He could have gone to the Acropolis, but he preferred the space in the market where the most numerous interactions were possible for building connections. The most practical effects in the evolution of microeconomics, because at least in the Western World, every company needs a purpose. What is the purpose of a company? No baby is born to make money, so… what happens next that we get confused?, I ask myself. It is the same question with companies, finance is only a part of a lasting project. 

S: How can the concept of purpose be inspiring for people?

P.T: There is no-one on the surface of Earth who has been repeated. There must be a reason for which one is born, a meaning! How to figure that out requires a lot of exercise, but basically it requires to formulate all the time a crucial question: What for? What for you were born? It is not only Why?, in Spanish we say “¿Para qué?” y “¿Por qué?”. These two different questions that can be formulated once and again. I have asked myself since I was a child ‘What for?’. We are very good at justifications, “Why?” is a very simple question: as humans, we are very good at describing “what?”, “how, when and where?” But the skill we must develop is how to answer “What for?”.

S: And for companies in these complex times?

P.T: We have to figure out a raison d’ être, the reason for which one is born. As a person I know my own uniqueness and singularity, so I will  certainly develop any strength that would be necessary for a differential in the market. Sadly, we have to accept that it has become risky to be unique in this world, because you go beyond standards. We have classified almost everything, because we need to handle the complexity through simplification. But simplification is not the response to complexity, it is the response to complication. So, the big challenge is to accept the complexity: if people get the risk to know who they are, they accept that (“What for”) and develop the skill to do that, then life becomes sometimes challenging but very fruitful, always responding to the deepest raison d’ être. More and more people that want to be more successful, have to understand that we are redesigning success, that has to do with individuals and companies and society as what is your unique goodness for you and for the planet.

S. So you connect personal development and purpose?

P.T: People who develop themselves, not in one manner but in a holistic way, are people connected with their emotions. Once you connect with your emotions, you can move hearts, and of course naturally your “me” expands into the “me-we” and you naturally develop community with others and start connecting with your context and Earth. Belonging to the Earth and learning of the principles of it and acting as if we are part of complexity (found in the Earth), diversity (found in the Earth), singularity (as a singular planet we live in, the Earth) and a long-term framework, not only short-term. This is a kind of cosmology and evolution of what we learnt from different stories, that is how we started Sistema B. Every person and every company has a chance to be successful by raising better questions, and using a new and more powerful definition of what success is!    

Hippocrates Inspires Symbeeosis

Western medicine owes everything to its outstanding father: the wise Greek tradition provides us with invaluable natural information for our health care and Symbeeosis is born from these concepts.

There is no doubt that Hippocrates is the father of modern Western medicine and the reasons are definitive: the Greek physician of the classical period was a pioneer in using the scientific method in the diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of diseases, overcoming superstitions and beliefs of the time. His wisdom comes from the direct observation, personal interrogation and manual physical examination of the patients and the subsequent systematic collection of symptoms from which he could elaborate a diagnosis and treatment of the diseases.

All this knowledge was gathered in the “Corpus Hippocraticum”, consisting of more than 50 medical treatises that were collected and stored in the great Library of Alexandria. This amazing “Corpus” includes studies on physiology, anatomy, gynecology, dentistry, surgery, mental illness and ethics, among others.

Hippocrates considered that the authentic nature of the human body is oriented towards health. Therefore, the good doctor should only prescribe and lay the foundations for self-healing of the organism, considering rest, nutrition and good hygiene as the main measures. However, we know from his writings that he used the medicinal properties of plants as part of the treatment that he applied to his patients to cure illnesses.

The philosophy of Hippocrates and the therapeutic use that he gave to plants in antiquity have inspired the philosophy of Symbeeosis from the beginning: with the purpose of applying this ancient wisdom to achieve a state of optimal health and well-being, a necessity in the real world, for a while deviated from these essential principles. Currently, we are becoming aware of the importance of returning to Mother Earth and Nature as a source of health, balance and well-being.

At this point, let’s learn a little bit more about the use that has been made since ancient times of the Greek plants that we offer today at Symbeeosis and that current science has endorsed through multiple studies which demonstrate their application properties:

MOUNTAIN TEA: Its use goes back thousands of years when the ancient Greek shepherds used it to avoid getting sick. Due to its microbial and healing properties, it was also used to heal wounds caused by iron weapons, hence the name “sideritis”, which comes from the Greek “sideros” and means iron.

Hippocrates himself praised and loved this plant to which he attributed the property of strengthening the immune system, effective in the treatment of respiratory problems, as an adjuvant to combat depression and capable of increasing libido.

Today, thanks to numerous studies, we know that its properties go much further: due to its high concentration of antioxidants, it fights cell damage, helping to prevent cancer; promotes gastrointestinal health by reducing inflammation, reflux, or stomach infections caused by Heliobacter Pylori; helps improve cognitive functions by improving memory, information retention and stopping the onset of degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s; In addition, its flavonoid content inhibits a brain receptor associated with depression and anxiety.

NETTLE: There is clear evidence that Hippocrates used nettle in 61 of his remedies and placed it in the category of “panacea”, a plant whose properties make it beneficial for the treatment of any disease. He also attributed to it the specific property of cleansing the blood and the stomach.

It was also used as a medicine to combat stings and bites from insects and animals. This plant is rich in vitamins C and A as well as iron, calcium, potassium and magnesium, as well as having alkalizing, remineralizing, diuretic and tonic properties for the body. Recent studies have shown its effectiveness in treating prostate hypertrophy and urinary problems associated with it.

CHAMOMILE: The use of chamomile frequently appears in the “Corpus” of Hippocrates who used it as an infusion or as a poultice to treat intestinal problems such as colic, nauseas and flatulence. It is also known to be effective in the treatment of anxiety and transient sleep due to its relaxing effects on the nervous system as well as being effective in relieving muscle spasms and rheumatism. Also we found that the main content of chamomile is apigenin, a flavonoid with anti-inflammatory and anti-aging properties.

MINT: Hippocrates used ‘mint’ plant to combat intestinal disorders, indigestion or to treat nervous system problems. He also attributed aphrodisiac properties to it. Currently the benefits have been found to be analgesic, digestive, antispasmodic, decongestant and anti-inflammatory properties.

LEMON BALM: Just like the nettle plant, Hippocrates also placed the Melissa in the category of “panacea”, very convenient for all diseases and also for its specific calming properties on the digestive system and the nervous system. We found that it is clearly effective for treating stress, anxiety attacks, insomnia and headaches, and can be combined with chamomile to enhance all these effects.

DITTANY: This plant, endemic to the island of Crete, was widely used in antiquity and was even named by Homer, defining it as a bitter root that was used to treat stomach ulcers and bleeding. It was also mentioned by Aristotle in his book entitled “History of Animals”. Hippocrates prescribed it to cure diseases of the stomach, gallbladder or tuberculosis. It is also rich in antioxidants due to its phenolic acid content and is effective in treating circulatory and heart problems, that is why we appreciate it so much at Symbeeosis.

Why are natural dietary supplements the healthiest choice?

Natural supplements are the healthiest option to reach the minimum amount of elements required by our body to perform perfectly.

Better food, better diet

Due to the depletion of the soil caused by the use of fertilizers, pesticides and other poor agricultural practices, very often soil has been seriously affected in its organic content, worsening the quality, flavor and nutritional content of food. In many cases, even consuming the right quantity and variety of fruits, vegetables and other foods, a person may nevertheless have a significant nutritional deficit in minerals such as magnesium, silicon, zinc or certain vitamins.

For this reason, sometimes it is necessary to use exogenous vitamins and minerals to supplement our diet and reach the minimum amounts required by the body to perform its functions optimally (note: we recommend a preventive medical examination, which can easily reveal any nutritional deficiencies).

Nowadays, when we find ourselves having an infinite number of options for food supplements on the market; depending on which ones we choose, this supplement is effective or not. Let’s remember that we are not only what we eat but we are also what our body is capable of absorbing. It is useless to take a capsule of a certain vitamin if our body is not capable of absorbing it and we are simply going to discard it in the urine.

First of all, when choosing a food supplement we must take into account that there are those that are made by chemical procedures in the laboratory and other ones that are made naturally by extracting a nutrient or vitamin directly from organic sources: we have to decide now between synthetic supplements and natural supplements.

On the one hand, human nutrition requires macronutrients: carbohydrates, proteins and fats which provide us with energy and are necessary to carry out our metabolic or hormonal functions. On the other hand, we need micronutrients: vitamins and minerals that do not only provide energy, but are also essential for most of the cellular functions in our bodies.

The optimal way to obtain these nutritional requirements is through food, as our body is capable of recognizing perfectly the genetic code of food, since we have consumed it for millions of years. It is very interesting to delve into recent studies that investigate the relatively new science of nutrigenetics and nutrigenomics, contributing in relation to the interaction/communication between food and our genome or, in other words, how food consumption could trigger certain reactions in DNA. Genetic engineering applied to food is highly controversial: we cannot know the long-term effect it can have on the human organism; to be aware, these foods can be recognized by their acronym in English GMO (Genetically Modified Organism).

Symbeeosis Organic Herbal Elixirs

At Symbeeosis, we believe that the body recognizes and reacts directly to supplementation from natural and organic sources. This happens because natural vitamins and minerals are not found in their isolated form, but combined with other biologically active co-nutrients that allow a better metabolism and absorption by our body due to their greater bioavailability.

The food supplements that we offer at Symbeeosis are based on this science. You can know more about them here. Not only do they come from natural sources, but research has allowed us to learn how certain organic ingredients act in synergy, enhancing their effects and offering the best results. In addition, something essential for us is the fact that they are extracted by using processes respectful of the environment and the ecosystem, which results in benefits for you and for the planet.

Flowers are useful, sometimes: a Symbeeosis spring

Without the love story between flowers and bees, we would lose about two-thirds of our food supply. Flower petals have different colors indeed due to the so-called “floral fidelity” phenomenon and thanks to that bees can differentiate the flowers from the plants and also sources of nectar, identifying a certain type of plant.

Spring is here again and, in our daily life, flowers will surround us: we use plants and flowers as gifts because their shapes and colors -which attract bees and other pollinators for the fertilization and reproduction process- are also delightful. We use them to connect ourselves with Nature and with other humans through a series of emotional and semiotic meanings: the set of petals often known as the corolla are about to bloom during this spring, and our pollinators will fly and make our life cycle possible!

The power of plants and flowers

At Symbeeosis we strongly believe that better health comes from better nutrition. Just as the ancient holistic doctor Hippocrates said, “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food”. Our functional products, born from our creative symbiosis with Nature, improve nutrition, support good health, and add a Greek flavor to your day.

Our regenerative cultivations use low-impact growing methods, recycling and composting practices to enrich the soil. Flowers are a key part of this cycle and we use among others organic Mountain Tea flowers, organic Chamomile, Melissa and Lavender flowers and many others due to its healing, energy (relaxation), tonic or rejuvenation benefits.

It is the observance of Nature, the vibrant colors of plants and flowers that inspires us all these years, also in the beautiful Spring, to offer you the best products that are effective for our health, and created in the best possible way.

The power of Nature colors

The colors of our flowers not only attract the pollinators but also undoubtedly inspire us. Spring will explode soon: although we know that the perception of different colors corresponds to the impression produced on our retina by the bounce of light on objects, the impact that color produces on us is not only reduced to a sensory experience but, as a whole, there is an exciting study behind it.

Color is energy. Each color has a vibratory frequency that produces effects in ourselves as observers. These effects have been studied by different disciplines and fields such as the psychology of color, chromotherapy, applied architecture, light therapy, dermatology, ophthalmology…

We use in our designs the Nature colors as a source of inspiration. The enormous potential of color (and sound) as an aid in healing processes is just beginning to be explored and the day is not far off when medicine will use it seriously in the treatment of different diseases and pathologies. We are immersed in colours, surrounded by vibrations. 

Have a wonderful Spring… Love yourself, love your planet!

Bee Democracy

We recently had a short interview with Dr Thomas d. Seeley: his book honeybee democracy and his forthcoming essay entitled “bee works” are sources of inspiration thanks to his utmost respect for the bee society and recognition of its importance

“Every journey starts somewhere, at some time,” explains Dr Thomas D. Seeley. “My scientific journey began in my boyhood home, which is a little valley called Ellis Hollow. It lies a few miles east of the small city of Ithaca, in New York State. The time was early June 1963, and I was not quite 11 years old. There were not many houses in Ellis Hollow back then, so not many people used the road that runs through this valley.”

“I enjoyed walking along slowly, looking and listening,” he continues. “The soft songs of hermit thrushes, veeries, and other forest birds floated out of the woods that sloped up Snyder Hill to the south. The bubbling chatters of bobolinks shot from the hayfields that tilted down toward Cascadilla Creek to the north.”

In fact, he says, “My first interest in bees came from watching a swarm move into a bee tree.  I describe this in detail in the first chapter of my forthcoming book, called Bee Works – Solving 20 Mysteries about Honeybee Behaviour.”

As Dr Seeley explains, “the bees practice what political scientists call ‘representative democracy’. The scout bees function as representatives of all the swarm’s members.”

What can bees teach us about decision-making? As professor Seeley explains, “they provide us with a model of effective group decision-making. The key things that they do right (and that we can emulate) are what I describe as the 5 lessons for good group decision-making [in Chapter 10 of Honeybee Democracy].”

Lesson 1: Compose a decision-making group or community of individuals with shared interests and mutual respect.

Lesson 2: Minimize the leader’s influence on the group’s thinking.

Lesson 3: Seek diverse solutions to the problem.

Lesson 4: Aggregate the group’s knowledge through debate – use the power of a fair contest of ideas, in the form of a frank debate, to integrate the information that is dispersed among the group’s members.

 Lesson 5: Use quorum for cohesion, accuracy, and speed.

We share these lessons here as a source of inspiration, as they can help us lead our own projects more effectively. Love the bees, love the planet!

Good digestions tea

Without a good digestion, there can be no good health.

During our digestion, the chemical breakdown of food takes place: this process allows the body to absorb the right and needed nutrients. In addition, recent studies have shown the connection between good digestive health and body’s defenses. Bad digestions do not only disturb our well-being by making us feel bloated, produce gas and heartburn, but also deteriorate our health day by day.

Our first recommendation to have better digestions is to respect a balanced diet, based mainly on fresh and organic vegetables, trying not to consume and/or mix refined flours with proteins and sugars in the same meal. However, if you suffer from a chronic condition that makes you suffer from poor digestion or you have an unbalanced lunch or dinner and you want to help your body digest it well, we suggest a very effective preparation: If you are going to have lunch or dinner outdoors, you can carry a few sachets of organic Greek mint in your bag to ensure a better digestion.


Greek Organic Mint

Greek Organic Honey and Ginger

– Grated ginger

– Mint leaves

Heat 250 ml of water at 95º. Place a pyramid of Greek Organic Mint in a cup and pour the hot water. Let it rest for 3-5 minutes. Optionally you can add a teaspoon of Greek Organic Honey & Ginger (ginger is a well-known remedy against abdominal swelling), a little fresh or powdered ginger and a few mint leaves that will give an extra aroma to your drink.

Raise your voice: How to prevent and cure throat and voice problems

Symbeeosis hints and tips to take care of your voice naturally.

Very commonly, symptoms such as a constant urge for throat-clearing or hoarseness are due to a viral infection or common cold and usually appear with the arrival of autumn, as temperatures drop. However, these are temporary inconveniences that do not represent any significant health risk, and with a few days of attention they clear up.

However, some people experience these throat and voice problems very frequently, and it is useful to understand their origins and how to treat them. Certain bad habits may be causing this problem. Let’s review some of the causes:

– Weak immune system: a poor diet or lifestyle affects our immune system, rendering it unable to protect us from viruses and pathogens.

– Excessive meals: The acids produced in the stomach when consuming soft drinks and foods that are spicy, rich in fat, or very acidic, such as sugars or refined flours, produce reflux that reaches the oesophagus and affects the vocal cords, causing us to feel confused and with a hoarse voice.

– Consumption of tobacco and alcohol: these substances seriously damage our immune system, respiratory tract, and gastrointestinal system, and they cause inflammation and dehydration.

– Not drinking enough water also causes our vocal cords to experience dryness.

– Consumption of drinks at very high or low temperatures (too hot – too cold) can affect the mucosa of the pharynx.

– Excess weight: intra-abdominal pressure on the oesophageal sphincter (where the oesophagus meets the stomach) caused by excess weight increases gastric reflux and can affect the vocal cord area.

The first step to treat recurrent vocal cord problems is to detect which of these behaviours may be causing these discomforts and avoid them as much as possible.

Furthermore, strengthening our immune system is key to treating these types of conditions. At Symbeeosis, our Immune Elixir contains highly active ingredients that help enhance your natural immunity: Echinacea, Propolis extract, Acerola, Rosehip (rich in Vitamin C), Siberian Ginseng and Elderberry. By taking one sachet a day of this authentic elixir for your immune system, you will be giving your body the best support to carry out its defensive, protective and healing functions. In addition, the following infusion is guaranteed to clear up your voice and restore your vocal cords:

– Heat 250 ml of water almost to a boil.

– Pour into a cup with a bag of organic Greek mountain tea and ginger.

– Add the juice of half a lemon.

– Clean a piece of fresh ginger root and add it to the drink.

– Add a tablespoon of Organic Greek Honey and Propolis.

If you want to clear up your voice, take this tea in the morning, sipping slowly. You can even gargle with it. At night, use the same infusion but this time add a sachet of Organic Greek Chamomile, enriched with dry extracts of the plant to enhance its magnificent properties.

Our last tip: if you find that heavy meals or certain foods are affecting you, try taking Organic Greek Mint (also fortified with highly active dry extracts) after meals. Peppermint is an ancient remedy for digestion due to its carminative properties that help prevent heartburn and reflux by eliminating gas.

Season 2. Episode 3 – What is holonomics? Holistic values in business, where People and Planet Matter.

In the third compelling chapter of our #ToBeHappening Podcast Season 2, Simon Robinson, the CEO (Worldwide) of Holonomics, co-founder of the Deep Tech Network and a worldwide known author, discusses with the journalist Rubén Fernández-Costa about the importance of values in a new society of conscious projects.

Simon Robinson is a Harvard Business Review author, coauthor of “Deep Tech and the Amplified Organisation”, “Customer Experiences with Soul: A New Era in Design” and “Holonomics: Business Where People and Planet Matter”. With three decades of experience in customer experience design, Simon is an internet pioneer and award-winning tech innovator, having co-founded the world’s first mobile internet portal, and contributing to the design and launch of the world’s first smart phones. Simon is respected globally for his contributions to customer experience strategy and Deep Tech, having created numerous design methods and frameworks such as the “New 4Ps” and the “Holonomic Circle”.

Enjoy the podcast with an organic mountain tea combined with a spoonful of functional honey.

Is honey healthier than sugar?

Recent research studies help us understand the real impact of sugar versus honey using biomarkers such as ages.

The increased consumption of processed foods with low nutritional value and high sugar, simple carbohydrate, and hydrogenated fat content, has resulted in a population with weight-control problems and new diseases in western industrialized countries.

In the search for an effective method of speedy weight loss, so-called ketogenic diets with very famous names have proliferated widely. The common denominator of all these diets is that they limit or prohibit the consumption of any sweet food (regardless of whether it contains white or brown sugar, honey, agave syrup or fructose) and simple or complex carbohydrates (rice, pasta, legumes, quinoa, bread), all of them understood as a form of sugar since the digestive system breaks all digestible carbohydrates into glucose (sugar) that can then be used as an energy source.

Sustainable (and healthy) diets

Despite the short-term effectiveness of such diets, we encourage you to lose weight properly and under medical supervision, taking into account important beneficial impacts on your health: it is difficult to maintain restrictive diets over time, because no one can live permanently subjected to severe limitation and deprivation of sugars and carbohydrates.

At the same time, there is a difference that is not always understood properly – between sugars that are really harmful to health (white sugar, corn syrup, glucose syrup, etc.) and sugars that, due to their composition or the way they can be metabolized by the body, may even be beneficial to our health (honey or fruit).

The real effects of sugar

Refined sugar is responsible for multiple harmful effects on the body. In fact, a diet high in sugar can cause diabetes, insulin resistance, fatty liver, tooth decay, leaky gut, and is likely linked to other diseases. Sugar has been shown to trigger a process in the body called “glycation”, which is responsible for premature aging, oxidation of the cells and tissue breakdown.

Advanced Glycation End products, or AGEs, are produced as a result of a series of chemical reactions that cause the loss of sugars (mainly glucose and fructose) in the body. When the amount of sugar consumed is low, the body can easily metabolize it into energy; however, when sugar consumption is high, the body is not able to process it properly. These “excess” sugars are present in the bloodstream and since there are no vehicles to transport them to the cells, adhere to proteins, mainly to the skin’s collagen and elastin fibres (30% of AGEs end up in the skin), causing loss of elasticity and the appearance of wrinkles, skin sagging, shallow tone, inflammation, etc.

These modified proteins end up circulating and settling on nerve fibres, arterial walls, lens, plasma, or extracellular matrix and, when they accumulate, they can also affect DNA, producing stimulants that negatively impact the genome and alter cell functions. It should be mentioned that AGEs can be produced by the body through the process described above, or they can be ingested when found in highly processed foods (fried, burned), sugary drinks, or tobacco.

Differences between refined sugar and honey

The content of specific types of carbohydrates together with the micronutrients, pollens and antioxidants contained in honey make this elixir different. This was demonstrated by a recent study published in “American Society for Nutrition” , which concluded that the antioxidant capacity of honey may actually protect against the oxidizing effect of fructose.

Another study shows that replacing refined sugar with honey can even help regulate body weight. In 2018, research was published in “Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity”, which concluded that substituting refined sugar for honey in your diet can help keep blood glucose levels low and stable. Furthermore, today honey is considered beneficial for the microbiota, supporting intestinal function and various metabolic processes.

Due to the multiple beneficial effects of honey to the organism, its consumption should not represent more than 5% of our total caloric intake, to maintain appropriate body weight. Also, the consumption of processed honey, syrups and preservatives should always be ruled out.

Symbeeosis honeys are 100% natural and free of preservatives, dyes, and additives. For example, Greek Organic Thyme Honey, with a high thyme pollen count and precious ingredients such as polyphenols and phenolic acids, has demonstrated antioxidant and healing effects. We ensure our honey’s elevated biofunctionality by implementing beekeeping practices that meet the highest standards for sustainable and environmentally friendly processes. Do consider incorporating honey, ideally combined with other beneficial products, in your diet.

Refreshing Lemonade with mountain tea for hot summer days

What can be more refreshing than a delicious lemonade on hot summer days?

What can be more refreshing than a delicious lemonade on hot summer days? Lemon is an extraordinary source of vitamin C, flavonoids and antioxidants. Although it is an acidic fruit, in the body it is alkaline, therefore, a priori, adding it in small quantity should not produce acidity except if we have a very delicate stomach. If we add the antioxidant power of mountain tea and its countless healing properties to the properties of lemon, we find the perfect drink for hot days


1L of water

2-3 bags of your favorite Symbeeosis organic mountain tea

Juice of three lemons

Lemon slices

Greek Organic Honey and Ginger

Optional: Mint leaves and berries


Place a liter of water in a jar or bottle and introduce between 2 and 3 bags of your favorite Symbeeosis organic mountain tea. Cover it and let it rest in the fridge overnight or for at least 4-6 hours. The morning after, you will find that the water has become a beautiful golden color with an elegant and subtle flavor that will be very pleasant. Squeeze three or four sweet lemons and add their juice to the mountain tea drink. Add honey from your preference and optionally, place some lemon slices, mint leaves and berries in the drink.

Latte tea with chamomile & honey, an evening relaxation ritual

With cold season upon us, we created this nighttime ritual, when we are winding down after a long day and heading to our couch. This herbal tea latte is a simple mix of chamomile tea, steamed milk (we sweetened it with honey) and finished off with the beloved cinnamon. This nighttime tea is the coziest way to treat yourself on a cold night.

The humble chamomile is known around the world for its varied beneficial characteristics: it has important antiseptic properties, relieves stomach ailments, soothes cold symptoms, and calms both the body and mind for restful sleep. Its name is derived from the Greek word meaning “earth apple” because of the characteristic apple aroma that it exudes when it blooms in the spring – thanks to this unique scent, we can often tell that chamomile is around before we even see it.


organic chamomile tea-bags

1 tablespoon organic Thyme honey

A pinch of ground cinnamon, for serving

1/2 cups cold coconut milk, or other non-dairy milk

1 1/2 cups water


Boil water in a small saucepan. Remove from the heat and add the tea bags. Cover it and steep for 10’. At the same time, heat the milk in another small saucepan over medium heat. Whisk constantly until warm and frothy, about 5’.

Discard the tea bags from the saucepan of tea, add the honey, and stir until dissolved.

Divide your chamomile tea between 2 cups and the divide also the frothed milk between the 2 cups (try reserving a bit of the foam with a spoon if you can)

Stir gently to combine the ingredients.

Last but no lease, top with the reserved foam, sprinkle with ground cinnamon, and serve immediately.


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Tea with Dittany and Apple: step by step preparation

We all need to detox ourselves and help our system recover, especially in these stressful VUCA times. But how can we achieve this without using medicines? In this recipe you will learn how to boost your system in the healthiest and most organic way.

In Crete, where we collect our Dittany, it is also known as Erondas (from Eros = love). This herb was used for healing and has many therapeutic benefits: overall, the health benefits are enormous!

For daily digestive problems, try drinking a cup of Dittany tea everyday to help your system recover: its nickname is stomach herb for a reason! Moreover, you can use it to relieve tension headaches and as a relaxant.

We explain you here how to prepare your own perfect tea step by step in a very simple way!

Prep time: 5 min.


3 pyramids Symbeeosis Greek Oganic Dittany

1 lt / 4 cups Water

1 red apple

A small mesh strainer

How to prepare

Step 1

Boil water. If using an electric kettle with temperature setting, set it to 100° and wait for 1 min before adding the water.

Step 2

Warm up a teapot and your cup, to make sure that there will not be any temperature contrast.

Step 3

Add the tea into the teapot and add hot water.

Step 4

Cover it and steep your tea for 4 minutes.

Step 5

Include the slice of apple.

Step 6

Retire the pyramid and pour hot tea into tea cups.

Be Symbeeotic : Add 2 spoons of Greek Organic Thyme Honey that offers antioxidant benefits.

Love Yourself, love your Planet!

The Real Effects of Caffeine and Theine on the Body

Contained in coffee and tea (and in many other energy drinks to which they are added), we analyze these stimulating substances whose effects are widely known, referring to the two most consumed beverages on the planet.

Although they are assigned different names, depending on whether they are present in one beverage or the other, they refer to the same molecule: an alkaloid from the xanthine group whose main characteristics are its bitter taste and its stimulating effect; that is why we commonly use the term “caffeine”.

Some people have become so used to consuming caffeine that they say they can’t start the day without their cup of coffee or tea, although these claims come mostly from coffee drinkers, and that is no coincidence. A standard cup of coffee typically contains around 96 mg of caffeine, while a cup of black tea contains around 47 mg. In addition, the consumption of tea tends to have a more ceremonious, almost ritualistic character, as occurs in some cultures, while the consumption of coffee usually occurs in a more expeditious and mechanical way, in its “takeaway” modality, or almost in one sip, as is the case with “espresso”.

Let us attempt a simplified description of caffeine’s journey through the body: after being consumed, it enters our bloodstream and is completely absorbed by our body about 45 minutes after ingestion. Subsequently, the liver is responsible for metabolizing it and converting it, through enzymatic action, into theophylline, paraxanthine and theobromine, three metabolites that in turn are metabolized into uric acid, finally being excreted in urine. Caffeine stimulates our central nervous system almost instantly and awakens us from lethargy or sleep; however, after about an hour and as the caffeine is expelled through the urinary system, a “low” is experienced that makes us need another dose to experience the stimulating effect again. This vicious cycle can lead coffee drinkers to drink between four and eight cups a day.

caffeine and theine

The unwanted effects of caffeine depend on each person, and some are more sensitive to it, experiencing headaches, diarrhea, rapid heartbeat or nervousness and anxiety, among other symptoms. Furthermore, it can aggravate conditions such as acne (caffeine increases the production of cortisol, which in turn stimulates sebum production), act as a dehydrating agent, with this effect also being evident on skin; it makes us more prone to stress and brings about changes in sleep patterns. It is for this latter reason that it is advisable to suspend caffeine consumption around 5:00 p.m. In addition, caffeine becomes more addictive over time, which makes us depend on this substance to feel active and in increasing amounts when the body gets used to its effect. And it is also worth mentioning that the consumption of coffee is usually accompanied by the consumption of sugar, whose bad effects on health we have already commented on in other posts, and milk, whose casein content, mixed with the tannins in coffee, make it indigestible.

Due to these adverse effects on health and its addictive properties (even if initially the dependence is slight, because it will increase), it is advisable to take measures and reduce caffeine consumption to one or two cups a day and replace the rest with herbs and plants. Caffeine-free beverages that provide us with a revitalizing effect, invigorating the body and our vital organs, such as mountain tea, famous since ancient times for its extraordinary effects, ginger, mint, or nettle, which act as tonics for the liver, the nervous system, the brain, and the circulatory system.

Iced Mountain Tea & Lavender with Relax Elixir

Settle down with a book and a cup of relaxing Mountain Tea & lavender with Symbeeosis Relax Elixir.

Due to the unique properties of Lavender, Chamomile & Passionflower, this iced tea will calm you and lead you to better sleep. The light floral flavor and smell of this tea are so lovely. We recommend adding our 1 sachets of Organic Herbal Elixir Relax, with Chamomile & Passionflower that helps promote stress relief & healthy sleep thanks to its active adaptogenic plant extracts.


1 tea bag of Symbeeosis Mountain Tea and Lavender

2-3 lemon slices

1 Symbeeosis Organic Herbal Elixir Relax

4-6 ice cubes


Boil water. If using an electric kettle with a temperature setting, set it to 100° and wait for 1 min before adding the water.

Cover it and steep your tea for 5 minutes.

Retire the pyramid and pour the Herbal Elixir Relax and stir until it dissolves.

Add the lemon slices and then add the ice cubes.

The Truth About the Anti-Inflammatory Diet (II): A Plant-Based Diet

In our previous article, we discussed the problem caused by underlying chronic inflammation in the body and we pointed out specific foods and substances that should be eliminated from our diet.

Recent studies and nutrition experts confirm that the most effective nutrition regimen for reducing inflammation is the plant-based diet (or “Whole Food Plant-Based Diet”).

Although adopting this pattern of eating requires a lot of commitment, awareness, and some discipline to build the habit, it is worth reviewing this type of eating and trying to adhere to it as much as possible.

– This diet is based on “real” foods, whole foods that come from Nature, plants and trees, high-vibration living foods with energy that comes from the sun, air, water, and not from industrial plants.

– You choose to eat food in the most natural way possible, that is, you prefer raw food, steamed food and in the least elaborate way possible (no foods of animal origin in this diet model).

– When preparing menus, it is better to divide the plate into three parts: half of the plate should contain fresh vegetables and fruits, preferably organic, ensuring that there is a large number of colors and pigments in our food, the indicator of a source of antioxidants (green spinach, kale, arugula, cucumber, celery; tomato or red pepper; red beet, radish, red cabbage or red onion; yellow pepper, etc.). A quarter or 25% should contain plant-based proteins such as quinoa, lentils, beans, chickpeas, or hummus, that is, a legume. Finally, the remaining 25% of the plate should contain whole grains such as brown rice, oatmeal, millet, or buckwheat.

– The use of salt should be limited.

Herbs and spices, very rich in antioxidants, are welcome additions for flavor and nutrients.

– Fats are incorporated into the diet through the consumption of nuts, flax and chia seeds, avocados, and cold-pressed olive oil.

As can be seen, it is a vegetarian-type diet, rich in fiber, vitamins and antioxidants, with the addition of the greatest possible variety of foods, which favor the microbiota and intestinal health. An effective way to prevent and reduce inflammation.

Fully committing to this type of diet can be quite a challenge, but we can make small changes that can translate into significant achievements in a flexitarian way. A good way to start is to try to follow this type of diet 50% or 80% of the time. For example, we can try to follow this for breakfast and lunch or dinner, allowing more freedom for one of the meals, or we can try to eat like this from Monday to Friday and then be more relaxed on weekends. Even so, the benefits and improvement in well-being and health that will be observed will be enormous, and evident in the body.

If we prefer not to completely eliminate animal protein from our diet, we should be very selective in the type of meat, fish, eggs or dairy we consume, opting for the leanest option possible, with a GMO-free diet. In addition, animal protein should always be a small part of each meal. Some ingredients with anti-inflammatory power are:

– Turmeric

– Saffron

– Ginger

– Omega 3

– Olive oil

– Citrus

– Walnuts

– Green leafy vegetables

– Broccoli

– Garlic and onion

– Berries


From Apivita to Symbeeosis. Mrs. Koutsianas and the importance of a mission

“From Apivita to Symbeeosis, I believe in our values instinctively”

In this interview, Nikki Koutsianas, president and co-founder of Symbeeosis – and former president of Apivita – explains how values have guided her through a successful career in defense of hippocratic dictums.

“Our name”, explains Nikki Koutsianas, sitting quietly in the garden at the Symbeeosis headquarters in Attica – about an hour outside Athens -, “combines the Greek word symbiosis, which means ‘the harmonious coexistence between different organisms’, and the bee, the most important pollinator in Nature. We want to indicate with our brand name our philosophy of the harmonious coexistence of people and the planet, and the interdependence of diet and health.”

It is not the first time that Mrs. Koutsianas was faced with choosing a company name and a consistent strategy that could guide and summarize a strong family vision. “We launched this company two years ago, after a successful journey of many years with Apivita, the pioneering natural and sustainable cosmetics company that we founded 40 years ago.”

The first proper name she is likely to bring up in any conversation is probably Hippocrates. “Faithfully, the Hippocratic philosophy was important to us at Apivita. Now, with the new company, Symbeeosis, we also want to focus on a quote by the holistic doctor, Hippocrates: your medicine should be your food, because better health is achieved through a better diet. We totally understand and strongly believe in this important connection between health and nutrition, and also between human health and environmental health.”

Therefore, the idea was born for ​​a range of functional foods and beverages that would be equally beneficial for humans and for the planet. For the president and founder of this company, “people suffer in part because of the food they eat and the way these foods are grown and produced. A healthy diet can save us or at least help us and our planet, as food is our medicine, and only a healthy planet can offer us healthier food.” In her opinion, each of us individually can bring a positive change every day: “From simple changes in our diet to simple changes in waste management, with less use of plastic, each of us can do small but important actions.”


Q: After more than 40 years as the founder and president of a natural cosmetics company and now a bio-functional products company, have any of your values slightly changed in their definition? 

A: Our values have not changed, because our times demand the same values ​​we shared when I started APIVITA. I definitely believe in business ethics, I have always believed in creation, innovation and especially ecology. I believed in these values instinctively. After 40 years of experience, I say that no one can do business without ethics. You cannot love yourself if you do not love the planet, you cannot do good for yourself if it is not good for the planet. Ethical business is a necessity for the environment. I also believe in innovation, and I believe that innovation includes well-being, in the way that the ancient Greeks thought of it.

Q: Why do you think nutrition is directly connected to good health?

A: It is simple: we are what we eat. For example, if we don’t eat organic foods, if we eat too much sugar, or we expose our body to harmful substances, we will have bad consequences for our health. We must have a holistic approach to our health and understand the value of prevention above cure. Good prevention certainly includes a very good and healthy diet. And here come the functional foods that are now proven not only to provide the body with the necessary nutrients to survive, but also to contribute to our health, by supporting the immune system, energy intake and fighting stress.

Q: What do you think about the Mediterranean Diet?

We believe that we should work together as a country to highlight the value of our products worldwide, with an organized effort to promote the Mediterranean Diet, which is recognized as the best and most sustainable diet in the world every year. Our goal is to highlight the value of proper diet and Greek organic food worldwide, to support and develop the Greek primary sector, to propagate the principles of harmonious coexistence with the planet, and to lead to a sustainable green future. We chose Greek mountain tea and honey, as they are primarily Greek products with unique properties.

Q: Would you affirm that the Hippocratic dictum is still essential for us as a society?

A: It is impressive how relevant Hippocrates is today, who has always been an inspiration to me, as a pharmacist 40 years ago, that is, “Prevention is better than cure”, “Let food be your medicine”, “Nature is the most dominant ruler of all.”


In various ways, creativity is a pillar for Symbeeosis. In Mrs. Koutsianas’ opinion, “creativity keeps people alive and active, and has always been identified with our company’s life”. With the word creativity she means “to do new things creatively, and the beautiful aesthetics and the art, as this is the highest aspect of creativity. Creativity is to be in direct contact with the creators and to be inspired by them and by Ancient Greece”. Creativity can be found in different ways in Symbeeosis: in the packaging but also in the communication, in the way they produce any piece of information. Moreover, you can understand this fact after a visit to their offices, a house surrounded by a magnificent Botanical Garden.

Q: “Regenerative” is an adjective that we use more nowadays, what does it mean for you and why is it important for its impact?

A: Regenerative means to leave something better than you found it, and for us it is a cornerstone of our philosophy. We do regenerative business, as we believe in fair competition and ethical business in order to create a better business world. We do regenerative agriculture, so that the environment and the soil become better. We apply regenerative beekeeping, aiming at the regeneration of ecosystems by enhancing biodiversity and reducing energy inputs, leaving the minimum environmental footprint.

Q: What is your favorite tea, how do you prepare it and when do you drink it?

A: Definitely my favorite is the Greek Organic Mountain Tea Trinity, which includes 3 varieties of mountain tea: Sideritis scardica, Sideritis perfoliata, Sideritis raeseri, as it is a nice base. It is a very nice tea that is very good for memory and the immune system that people need today and it is also a good antioxidant. I also like it because I can combine it with other ingredients. For example, one day I am in the mood to add vanilla, or to add lemon or cinnamon or orange, so it is a very nice base to create. It is unique in itself but I can create combinations according to my mood, I always like to change and to create. I also like very much what the Cretans drink, the Greek Mountain Tea with Dittany, two unique herbs. It is what we call endemic of Greece, Greece has so many unique plants!

Q: What is the meaning of “Functional Honey“?

A: We innovate by enhancing organic honey varieties with active dry extract of ginger, propolis and turmeric, in order to maximize the nutritional value of the final product and to gain additional benefits (she refers here to the concept of superfood). Honey is a superfood itself: it has been used for therapeutic purposes since antiquity, as it can act as an excellent antioxidant and has antimicrobial properties. Therefore, why not enjoy a spoonful of honey every day, instead of another diet supplement, with all its benefits? By boosting honey with active dry extract you can enjoy a “nutritional supplement” with health benefits. With modern green methods, we obtain dry extracts that have a high concentration in nutrients and active ingredients, maximizing the nutritional value and benefits of the product. Therefore, functional honeys, enhanced with active dry extracts: propolis for strengthening the immune system, turmeric for anti-inflammatory action and ginger for good functioning of the gastrointestinal tract – a daily wellness boost with great flavor.

Q: Many people ask about the benefits of drinking mountain tea, what was your first encounter with it?  

A: When we founded APIVITA and made cosmetics 40 years ago, we noticed that cosmetics were mainly composed of water, which is also the most essential ingredient in skin. Then we studied about green tea and our first cosmetics were made with Japanese green tea. But we were definitely always thinking of using Greek products, so we started to study Greek mountain tea. To our great surprise, we noticed that it has the same antioxidants that are important for the skin, but also that it has unique properties, as I said about memory and the immune system, something that other teas do not contain. Then came the idea that this tea should be used in people’s daily lives, so it is very important for us to put tea into people’s diets and to use it every day. Like with all herbs and teas, only with the correct and daily use we can have results.

Q: Do you think Supplements are now the future of nutrition?

A: One of the reasons we started Symbeeosis is that people do not eat properly: if we do not practice proper agriculture, we cannot get the right products and nutrients we need. Therefore, we developed the nutritional supplements, and we will also innovate in this field with something completely natural. What is required, of course, is people to get what they need from food, which will be ensured by regenerative agriculture and sustainable farming, beekeeping, and production practices. But functional foods come as an intermediate stage, which means that I upgrade the food that I have, by adding some completely natural ingredients. Therefore, I do not believe that supplements are the future of nutrition, but that they come to do exactly what their name implies, to supplement our diet, because even if we eat right, many times many substances are not absorbed, so we need the food supplements, and they will certainly be an important part of our diet in the future.


Q: As a female entrepreneur and supporter of female and diversity leadership, how is this aspect included in this new project?  

A: I have always supported diversity and made sure to have women in Apivita in senior positions, because companies never had so many women in key positions. This is a change that happened 20 years ago, when the percentage of women in Apivita reached 50%. Now this new project continues the same course, with women in important positions, not to the detriment of men, because I definitely believe in the cooperation of men and women. The percentage of women in Symbeeosis is over 60%, but first of all I concentrate on skills, because I think collaboration is very important. One of my big goals is to get more women involved now in the agricultural and beekeeping sector as it develops. The State and all of us have to provide the necessary conditions, because women have always been capable. As a woman, I can have an impact on diversity again.

Q: A goal or a dream for Symbeeosis…

A: A planet where people live in harmony with the environment. I believe that the future is to have the right food that we grow in a harmonious and regenerative way, so that we and the environment are well. Getting proper nutrition through your diet does not have to be complicated. Take a holistic view of the issue: to relax because one goes and listens to nature, because one walks, because one gets energy from its honey and vegetables, from herbs…

Actions for Life: How to improve your health and well-being (and that of the planet)

Two for one: Simple changes can impact our life and our contribution to the planet.

1. Walking on an empty stomach: Going for a walk in a nearby park when you get up (before breakfast) will revitalize you for the rest of the day. Breathing in deeply the clean and less polluted air of the morning and being in visual and physical contact with Nature will oxygenate your entire body, filling you with vitality and optimism to face the new day. In addition, by doing it on an empty stomach, you will speed up your metabolism and allow your body to use its own fat deposits as a source of energy (since walking is a less arduous exercise, it will not be necessary to eat any food and you will not feel weak). If you don’t have a park nearby, take a deep breath and do some exercises first thing in the morning to catch the first rays of sunshine.

2. Cold showers: Cold showers are excellent for the body as they favor the generation of white blood cells, thus strengthening the immune system. In addition, cold water is an excellent tonic, because it activates circulation. In the hot months it’s nice, but if the idea of taking a cold shower in winter is too extreme for you, try ending your shower this way, it will soon be a must for you!

3. Intermittent fasting: In our blog we have written about fasting (always under the directions of a doctor). It is an idea to give the body a break and let it rest from the digestive function and dedicate itself to other repairing and regenerating functions. An easy way to incorporate it into your life is to ensure that at least twelve hours elapse between dinner and breakfast. If your health allows it, you can also dedicate a day to drinking only infusions (from Symbeeosis) and water with a little honey and lemon or just fruit (pineapple is recommended in winter and watermelon in summer for its excellent purifying properties). Try to choose organic options, to allow the body to cleanse itself properly.

4. Forest bathing: “Shinrin yoku” or “forest bathing” is a practice invented by the Japanese, which they have benefited from for decades. Forest bathing turns out to be a wonderful and healing practice for human beings and has demonstrated multiple physical, psychological and spiritual benefits. It is not just about walking through the countryside, it is about immersing yourself in the forest, with all its humidity, exuberance and richness, engaging all five senses, touching the earth, hugging the trees, breathing in the exquisite aromas of the vegetation, listening to the sound of the wind and birds. The health benefits of forest bathing have been scientifically proven; anxiety levels decrease as the activity of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems increases; blood pressure and the chances of a heart attack are reduced; the immune system is strengthened against infections and diseases; it stimulates and improves our eyesight; it cleanses and oxygenates the cells; it increases vitality and even lengthens life, to mention just a few. The physiological benefits of forest bathing have been shown to last for up to a month afterwards.

5. Practice gardening: If you are lucky enough to have a garden, a terrace or a balcony, make use of it. A magnificent Greek custom is to fill terraces and balconies with plants – just visit us and you will see it! Find out about which plants are most suitable according to the environmental conditions at your place of residence or depending on whether you are going to keep them outdoors or indoors and fill your space with plants, flowers and fruit trees. This will allow you to be in contact with the earth, observe and respect the cycles of nature and feel great satisfaction in seeing how the plants respond generously to our care, watering them, fertilizing them, and exposing them to the sunlight that each one requires. You can also grow your own aromatic plants and enrich your recipes with them! Your home will be filled with beauty and color and your well-being will increase.

6. Disconnect mobile devices: We know that the use of the internet and technological devices are necessary to carry out our work activities; however, taking a break from them in your free time is necessary. When you go to sleep, turn off your home Wi-Fi network if it is accessible and unplug your devices. This will improve the quality of your sleep, and when you wake up, make sure turning on your phone isn’t the first thing you do in the morning. Take a walk, take a shower, or have a leisurely breakfast beforehand. You deserve to fully enjoy the moment!

7. Eliminate sugar from your diet: The consumption of refined sugar harms your health. If you are used to its consumption, try to eliminate it little by little from your diet. Do not add it to your infusions, tea or coffee and replace it with a teaspoon of honey. Note the ingredients of the foods you buy and do not take them home if they contain sugar, even more so if you have growing children. You’ll be doing their health, development, and future eating habits a big favor. You will find countless delicious recipes that use honey or nuts as a substitute for sugar. Try them!

8. Massages with oils and essential oils: Few things are more pleasant than a massage, in addition to being an act of generosity for those who give it and of gratitude for those who receive it. If you live as a couple or as a family, give each other massages! This will strengthen the bond between you and increase your sense of well-being. Use vegetable oils with beneficial properties for the skin and add a few drops of essential oils, both organic (essential oils, especially, have the ability to penetrate the deepest layers of the skin). Offer to give a foot or hand, head or back massage. It is not only pleasant but also reduces stress and increases the production of endorphins, the happiness hormone. If you live alone, take care of yourself and practice pedal reflexology or cranial massages. You will feel great!

9. Be more aware of your diet and its effects: Analyze what you eat throughout the day – and how. Self-respect also entails not introducing into your body any food that is put in front of you, and not eating in any form. Choose the food you eat with care and respect for yourself and the planet. Give yourself time and space to savor food in a relaxed and conscious way. What ingredients does it contain, where does it come from, how is it produced and what are the implications of all this? Is its production exploitative of the land and the ecosystem, due to the use of pesticides and pollutants (which also harm you)? Is it by a responsible company, truly committed to the health and well-being of humans and the earth? We all contribute with our daily actions to make the world a better or worse place. Reflect on this and be more aware of your choices.

#ToBeeHappening, Season 2, Episode 2: A walk around Symbeeosis Garden

You are invited to a walk.

Pavlos Voulgaris, Symbeeosis Agriculture Project Manager will guide you on a visit to our headquarters garden in Athens, Greece during the second chapter of this particular #ToBeHappening Podcast Season 2.


Nature generously provides everything we need. Our organic cultivations are selected on criteria: altitude, soil suitability, local microclimate, and absence of industrial activity nearby. We encourage the implementation of regenerative agricultural practices, such as recycling and composting, that increase biodiversity, enrich the soil by returning its nutrients, and safeguard the ecosystem.

We will visit together our regenerative cultivated garden getting to know more about the “symbeeosis” of plants and bees, knowing more about the path from farm to cup, follow us on an amazing journey!

Physical and emotional hunger, what is the difference?

Our relationship with food is definitely emotional: feeling the need to eat is different from being hungry. Since childhood, nourishment acquires meanings that go beyond nutrition and the vital need to be fed. We can learn to decode and control our impulses, in our quest for a happier and healthier life.

If we could recall it, it would be beautiful to visualize ourselves inside our mother’s womb, where we received all her attention: that is where our primary need for nourishment was first satisfied, at the same time that we received the warmth, love and tenderness of our mother.

As experts on the subject have shown, an affective bond with food is established since early childhood, in infancy during breastfeeding. From that moment, we learn that eating also produces great emotional satisfaction. As we grow older, this affective bond with food increases: our parents and caregivers often use food (sometimes inappropriately) as a form of entertainment, as a punishment or a reward (for example, good behaviour earns us chocolate).

Moreover, we learn to connect emotions such as boredom, dissatisfaction, depression, sadness or anxiety directly with food. Consider also that many social events often revolve around food, reinforcing this bond.

Thus, food acquires various meanings in our lives that go beyond its nutritional aspects and vital necessity. Because of these associations, sometimes when we experience strong emotions that we do not know how to handle, we turn to food; after years or a lifetime of this behaviour, a neural connection is created, a learned path that we unconsciously repeat. That is why it is necessary to teach the brain to find other solutions when we need to attend to and heal our emotions, instead of silencing them with the act of eating.

This neurological urgency to silence our emotions or our sense of dissatisfaction leads us to eat compulsively, without enjoying food and generating strong feelings of guilt. The healthy way is to eliminate any feelings of guilt that we have associated with food.

Once the urge to eat sets in, it’s good to pause, take a deep breath, and ask yourself if you are actually experiencing real physiological hunger, or a compulsive, emotional desire. Our body, in its immense wisdom, offers us very clear signals when it needs food. The stomach feels empty, and we often feel weak, tired and in need of recharging our batteries. However, when the hunger is emotional, the sensation usually comes from the throat or chest, and we feel anxiety.

The next time we experience this sensation, let us notice the urge to eat something sweet or salty, but rarely healthy. It is not necessary to fight this feeling, since depriving the body of what it asks of you ends up being counterproductive: the more you try to restrict it, the more compulsive the act becomes. If we think about eating ice cream, chocolate, French fries or pizza but at the same time we feel we must reject this food because it is fattening, a resistance is created that is ineffective and we end up eating those and other unhealthy options.

It is necessary to listen to the body and observe what it is asking of us: sweet or salty; soft or crunchy; hot or cold. Of course, there are always healthy alternatives: we do not have to choose foods loaded with sugar, refined flours, and preservatives. We can toast healthy wholemeal bread with seeds and spread a spoonful of honey and cinnamon on it, or prepare a hot chocolate made from pure cocoa and sweetened with hone

In this blog you will find many healthy recipes  with products from the Symbeeosis range, such as organic mountain tea drinks with vanilla and toasted bread or yogurt with honey, or, in moments of elevated anxiety and stress, a cup of delicious and delicate chamomile or mountain tea with lavender.

Tips to avoid compulsive or emotional eating:

Plan If you plan the primary moments of your relationship with food, it becomes far easier. Mid-morning and mid-afternoon snacks are also key, to avoid hunger pangs and cravings.

Avoid packaged foods, easily accessible and with little nutritional value.

Stop and think what you would do if you did not have food readily accessible. Maybe you would go for a walk, call a friend, write a text or journal, or take a relaxing bath.

If you do eat, look for healthy alternatives to your cravings.

Reconnect with your body and emotions.

Top Seven superfoods that affect everyday life

In this report, we analyze a selection of the seven best superfoods, one by one, summarizing their main qualities and tips for optimal consumption. Will you join this super-journey?

This is most likely not the first time you’ve come across this term lately: although there is no scientific definition of what we mean by “superfood”, we can define it in a symbeeotic way, as food that your body loves: even taken in small quantities, superfoods offer extraordinary levels of nutrients, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals.

These foods of high nutritional value have become popular in recent years due to a growing interest in quality food. They may often appear as something exotic, more a “fashion” or marketing ploy. On the contrary, these are foods that have been consumed for hundreds or thousands of years by ancient civilizations and have been and are still being used today by many of them. Let us have a look together, to see specifically why they deserve to be on this list


This spice is probably the most powerful anti-inflammatory provided by Nature – that is why it is called natural ibuprofen. Curcumin, the photochemical responsible for its intense orange colour, is an active ingredient with this property: it is an excellent balm for arthritis, joint and muscle pain. In addition, it is considered a powerful anti-cancer agent since it favours the elimination of toxic cells and promotes the formation of anti-cancer substances such as glutathione. Furthermore, it strengthens the immune system thanks to its antimicrobial, antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal effect. It also has notably high antioxidant power, which helps to combat various external agents such as environmental pollution, tobacco smoke, solar radiation, stress, and poor diet.

Greek Organic Honey and Turmeric use

Easy to add to smoothies and vegetable or fruit juices. You can also prepare a vinaigrette for salads. Enjoy it with Greek yogurt, oatmeal or breakfast pudding. Of course, use it to sweeten any Symbeeosis mountain tea.


This root is an excellent anti-inflammatory. It also helps prevent allergies, infections, colds and flu, by activating and strengthening our body’s defences. It is recommended for digestion as it reduces abdominal swelling, prevents gas build-up and stimulates the function of the pancreas, causing it to produce digestive enzymes. It is excellent for people with colds as it stimulates blood flow and activates and speeds up the metabolism. It helps eliminate toxins due to its high purifying power. In addition, it is an ally for people sensitive to dizziness or nausea during travel.

Greek Organic Mountain Tea and Ginger

In the mornings, on an empty stomach, prepare a mountain tea with ginger and add the juice of half a lemon along with a teaspoon of honey. Wait 20 minutes before drinking (drink this tea also after meals, especially if they are excessively hearty).


Flax is a humble seed, whose high content in alpha-Linolenic fatty acid (omega-3 family) makes it very interesting; remember, this essential fatty acid cannot be synthesized by our body, and we need to obtain it through our diet. Flax is mainly rich in proteins, minerals such as Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium, Manganese, and vitamins C and B. Normal consumption of this seed regulates blood lipids and helps fight bad cholesterol; it also contains linoleic acid (omega 6). Flax is high in soluble fibre (pectin and mucilage), favouring intestinal transit; it also helps control blood sugar. Flax seeds also contain phytonutrients that balance our hormones.

How should it be consumed? Ideally, it should be purchased whole and ground at home, since its oils are very sensitive to heat and if they are bought already ground, they are usually stale (remember to store them in the fridge). A trick against hair loss? Put a tablespoon of ground seeds in a glass of water and leave it overnight. The next morning, take the seeds together with the water, which will be loaded with mucilage; this water can also be applied directly to the scalp and left to act before washing the hair. Systematic use will lead to observable hair loss decrease.


Spirulina and Chrorella are exceptional because of their high chlorophyll content, which cleanses, oxygenates and energizes our cells but, above all, they are known for being powerful natural chelators, helping the body to eliminate heavy metals such as mercury, cadmium and chrome. Rich in protein, minerals, iron, and vitamin B12, they are a very good option for a vegetarian or vegan diet, as they provide a lot of energy to help combat weakness, fatigue, or apathy. Spirulina is helpful in weight control diets due to its satiating power if consumed half an hour before meals; it has an antioxidant effect and strengthens the immune system. (It is very important to consume algae derived from certified, controlled cultivation, to avoid heavy metals).


Blueberries, blackberries, raspberries and currants, strawberries… these fruits are very rich in vitamins C, B and E and minerals such as phosphorus, calcium, potassium, and iron. Their extraordinary antioxidant properties are well-known, due to a high flavonoid content (tannins and anthocyanins, responsible for the red-bluish pigment) that helps  combat the adverse effects of free radicals. In addition, their normal consumption (for example, with yogurt and honey) helps to cleanse the body of liquids and toxins due to their diuretic and purifying effect.


Broccoli has multiple beneficial properties, but here we highlight the high sulforaphane content, a powerful anti-cancer molecule. This molecule activates the so-called Nrft2 pathway, a protein that controls the way certain genes are expressed:  this pathway is stimulated by sulforaphane, helping to deactivate carcinogens and favouring their release or excretion, as well as deactivating genes involved in inflammation. To maintain this molecule, it is recommended to consume broccoli with sprouts(added to salads), raw or steamed for up to three minutes.


Honey is not usually included in lists of “superfoods” because we are very used to it, but we should remember that it is a food that has been benefiting human health for thousands of years, with multiple demonstrated properties. Beyond its nutritional properties, honey is a magical food. The process of creating honey is fascinating: the pollination, the community of bees with their own language, their dance and finally the honey… it is a real elixir, a true gift from the gods! Rich in antioxidants and amino acids, vitamins C, B1, B2, B3, B5, minerals such as calcium, silicon, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, iodine, zinc, gold, and silver.

As many recent studies confirm, honey is rich in folic, citric, lactic, phosphoric, and acetic acid. An excellent natural source of strength, it provides fast energy boosts to the heart muscles. It favours the production of serotonin, relaxing our system and helping us to fall asleep, reducing metabolic stress. Somewhat counterintuitively, it regulates blood sugar levels and does not create sugar insulin spikes due to its ideal balance of fructose and glucose. It helps relieve constipation through a mild laxative effect and also has a brain function impact. By consuming honey, our body is fortified against allergens. It is a sort of mild “vaccine”; it also has antibacterial and antifungal properties.

Symbeeosis Greek Organic Functional Honeys

You can visit our product range to see different versions of functional honeys suitable for your needs

Iced Lemon Verbena with honey & lemon

Our instant wellness Organic Lemon Verbena is a natural go-to on a sunny day, especially served over ice.

A simple addition of lemon & honey brings it to life, making it an irresistibly refreshing drink to accompany you throughout the day. The addition of functional honey and propolis will also give you a boost for your immune system.

Did you know about propolis? Propolis, a true natural treasure, is used by bees as an antiseptic for their hives. For people, it is a nutritional treasure – a real superfood that naturally strengthens the immune system.


2 tea bags of Organic Lemon Verbena
½ cup (120ml) freshly boiled, filtered water
1 tbsp functional honey & propolis
2 tbsp of lemon juice
1 Lemon slice & some mint for garnish
Plenty of ice


In a cup with our hot water put 2 tea bags of and cover the cup to prevent heat & aroma loss. Stir in the honey while your tea is still warm.

Add the tea & lemon juice to a shaker with plenty of ice.

Shake vigorously, then strain into a glass with fresh ice.

Garnish with a lemon slice & a sprig of mint.


Ginger Iced Tea with Mango

When temperatures rise and the humidity just won’t quit, nothing beats a homemade iced tea.

Just try our ice-cold tea slushie. This drink is about to change the way you think about summer refreshments.


· 3 tea bags of Greek Organic Mountain Tea and Ginger
· ½ passionfruit
· 1 + ½ cups frozen mango
· 1 cup of ice
· 3 lemon drops


Step 1
Steep 3 tea bags of Mountain Tea & Ginger in ½ cup (120ml) of hot water for 5 min.

Step 2
In a blender, add the tea, passionfruit, frozen mango, and the ice. Blend until you achieve a slush-like texture.

Step 3
Finally, pour into a glass and add the lemon drops


The Truth About the Anti-Inflammatory Diet

Inflammation is typically associated with the effect of trauma, but inflammation is the underlying issue in multiple diseases and pathological processes.

Ιt is estimated that more than 50% of fatal diseases in the world have inflammation as an underlying cause, such as cardiovascular disease, digestive problems (colitis, ulcers, leaky gut), arthritis, osteoporosis, cancer, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, and obesity. Inflammation can even be a factor behind mood and mental health disorders, such as irritability or depression.

We have all experienced and associate inflammation with the effect that occurs from trauma or when suffering from an allergy or sore throat: the affected area of ​​the body swells, reddens, hurts and mobility or functionality is difficult. This type of so-called acute inflammation is the body’s defence response to injuries, infections and/or diseases and allows it to facilitate blood supply to the affected body part that has suffered an attack and repair it. It is an immediate response with limited duration, since it disappears within hours or days

However, in this article we are going to refer to another kind of body inflammation that we can describe as chronic, since it endures over time; sometimes it is unrecognized, with a large number of people suffering from it without being aware of it. This inflammation can affect our tissues, causing cell damage and progressively undermining our health, reducing our quality of life, and causing diseases such as those mentioned above.

This so-called chronic inflammation can be triggered in the body by different routes: infections that are not treated; environmental factors such as pollution that affect the quality of the water we drink and the air we breathe; diet and lifestyle.

Although a persistent infection constitutes a problem to be solved from a clinical standpoint, and contamination is presented as a problem of our times from which we can hardly escape if we live in a city, diet and lifestyle are choices for which we are entirely responsible.

Indeed, eliminating from our diet things that cause inflammation and make us sick is in our hands and will have a positive impact on our physical, mental and emotional health.

First of all, we must know which are the main inflammatory substances or foods and eliminate them as much as possible from our pantry, our diet and our lives.

Foods with a high glycaemic index: the increase in blood sugar, the production of cytokines is responsible for producing inflammation. These pro-inflammatory cytokines are also found in very high levels in visceral fat (intra-abdominal fat that men accumulate to a greater extent) and is highly dangerous and can trigger cardiovascular problems. For this reason, we must eliminate sugar, sweeteners (although they do not provide calories, they have been shown to produce an insulin response), refined flour, processed confectionaries, processed juices and soft drinks, etc.

Hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated fats, margarines, vegetable oils such as sunflower, soy (very rich in omega 6, which although necessary for the body, should be consumed in the correct balance with Omega 3). These fats are present in almost all processed foods, so we must read carefully the list of ingredients of the foods we buy.

Sausages and processed meats: sausages, smoked and cured meats are associated with the risk of heart disease, colon and stomach cancer. This type of food is made up of leftovers and often contains preservatives and toxic substances that are added to provide flavour, colour and for conservation purposes.

Alcohol: Alcohol is a neurotoxic and neuroinflammatory substance that damages the liver and kidneys; increases the permeability of the intestine allowing toxins to pass into the bloodstream; destroys the gut microbiome by affecting the immune system and ultimately triggering inflammatory conditions (arthritis, diabetes, heart disease, hepatitis, acute pancreatitis, etc.). The theory that having a glass of wine a day was beneficial for health has recently been disproved by the WHO and also by various scientific studies that show that far from producing a benefit, it causes great harm. In fact, it is estimated that there are about 800,000 deaths a year due to heart disease caused by alcohol consumption, and it also increases the risk of suffering from different types of cancer.

Dairy products: Whether or not dairy products cause inflammation is a highly debated topic in the medical community and nothing conclusive can be said. However, there are other sources of calcium from plants such as almonds, sesame seeds, broccoli, spinach, kale, etc. In fact, the absorption of calcium from the consumption of dairy products is also a matter of debate. In any case, eliminating dairy from one’s diet is a personal choice, but it should always be consumed in moderation and making sure that it is organic and obtained from animals raised responsibly and with dignity.

Medicine: Aspirin, ibuprofen and other anti-inflammatory medicines are among the most consumed pharmaceuticals worldwide. These drugs function by blocking the biochemical complex that causes inflammation (prostaglandins), stopping its process and thus producing pain relief. Although it is sometimes necessary to resort to them, regular consumption may lead to side effects such as damage to the liver, kidneys, and intestinal mucosa. Therefore, it is preferable to use them only when they are needed. Turmeric is a natural alternative without side effects, which contains curcumin and has been revealed to be of the most powerful natural anti-inflammatories, hailed as natural ibuprofen.

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Intermittent Fasting

Fasting has become one of the most common ways to feel healthier: is it effective? Here we analyse and discuss different impacts and possible ways of fasting.

In 2016, Yoshinori Ohsumi won a Nobel Prize for the discovery and investigation of the process called “autophagy”: from that moment on, there has been an intense interest in the benefits of fasting for the body.

This amazing “cellular autophagy” is a regenerative mechanism by which the body’s cells, under certain circumstances, are able to recycle their own content, allowing them to get rid of invading toxins, pathogens, viruses and bacteria. One of the existing ways to bring about the activation of this mechanism is fasting. Put very simply: since the organism is forced to adapt to a lack of food, the cells start consuming their own waste substances and converting them into energy (autophagosomes, double-membrane vesicles, encapsulate these components or waste products and release them into lysosomes, cellular organelles that contain digestive enzymes, where they are destroyed).

Recent scientific studies demonstrate the multiple benefits of intermittent periods of caloric restriction or fasting. Indeed, beyond the cellular recycling that occurs with the autophagy process and that allows the body to regenerate and heal itself, numerous other benefits have been observed, among which the following stand out.

Although fasting should be undertaken under medical supervision, here we research, analyse and discuss different impacts and possible ways of fasting. This article is not recommended:

– For persons under 18 years of age.

– For persons suffering from eating disorders (anorexia, bulimia, etc.).

– For persons dealing with cortisol problems, diabetes or hypoglycaemia.

– For persons who are pregnant or breast-feeding.


Fasting leads to an increase in the hormone adiponectin, whose function is to promote fat oxidation, reduce triglycerides and improve insulin sensitivity. Ghrelin levels are regulated. Ghrelin is a hormone generated in the stomach, responsible for producing the feeling of hunger; in addition to that function, it is also involved in the secretion of growth hormone.

About six hours after starting a fast, there is a spike in ghrelin that produces a feeling of hunger and the desire to eat. Once this peak is overcome with continued fasting, the ghrelin released into the bloodstream stimulates growth hormone secretion. This leads to increased basal metabolism (i.e., the amount of energy used by the body at rest) by up to 12%. Also, during the period of dietary restriction, the body draws energy from its lipid stores.


Growth hormone secreted by the pituitary gland is basically responsible for controlling metabolism and producing blood cells for the immune system, increasing the body’s defences. It also preserves and increases muscle mass and decreases fat mass, stimulates the production of collagen and increases bone mineral density. Furthermore, it improves athletic performance and muscle strength; slows down the aging process and cognitive decline.


A decrease in blood sugar and insulin – in the first few hours of fasting – enhances the body’s ability to become sensitive to insulin and improve resistance to it (very beneficial for people with type II diabetes or prediabetics). Additionally, fasting:

– Increases our body’s ability to secrete adrenaline, noradrenaline, dopamine and T4 and T3 hormones that are involved in brain function, memory, and our emotional and mood state.

– Improves cardiovascular health thanks to the reduction of cholesterol and triglycerides (up to 25% and 30%, respectively), that occurs during fasting.

– Improves the intestinal microbiota, which leads to an increase in bile acids that act as regulators of blood pressure.

– Reduces inflammation. Remember that multiple diseases occur as a result of systemic inflammation of the body produced mostly by an inadequate diet.

All this evidence means that the benefits of intermittent fasting, an ancient method of self-healing, are becoming more and more accepted by the medical and scientific community, helping to overcome the traditional Western medical prescription of five meals a day.


In addition to these metabolic and systemic improvements, the practice of intermittent fasting produces clear mental and emotional benefits for those who practice it:

– There is an improvement in concentration, in the ability to maintain attention and focus, and in the quality of sleep.

– It reduces anxiety associated with eating.

– It increases the ability to listen to one’s body and to be more conscious in choosing the foods with which to break the fast. This connection with one’s body leads to the desire to love it, nurture it, and care for it by giving it the nutrients it needs and avoiding processed and unhealthy foods.

– It produces a sense of self-control and personal mastery when choosing when to eat and when not, helping to manage compulsive attitudes towards food and other elements.

– It fosters a sensation of lightness and agility.

– It allows for optimized use of time, by not having to be aware of preparing and eating many meals and selecting better quality.


– 12-hour fast: Everyone, even those who do not choose to practice intermittent fasting, would note an improvement in their health and well-being if a 12-hour break was observed between the last meal of the day and the first of the next day. This is the minimum period that the body needs to cleanse itself, regenerate itself and carry out the metabolic functions necessary for optimal health.

– 16-hour fast: It is the most recommended and ideal fast for women due to their hormonal profile. In this type of fast, you do not eat any food for 16 hours and choose to eat during the remaining 8 hours of the day. The classic example is finishing dinner at 8:00 p.m. and not eating any food until 12:00 noon the next day. It is easy to adapt to a daily routine and to carry out. Weight loss is constant with this type of fast.

– 18-hour fast: This type of fast is the one that brings the most benefits to men due to its metabolic requirements. As an example, dinner would end at 7:00 p.m. and the first meal would be eaten at 1:00 p.m. the next day.

– 20-hour fast. Food is consumed for a period of 4 hours each day. Typically, you choose to have a single daily meal in which you include all the macronutrients (fats, proteins and carbohydrates) that the body requires.

– 5-2 Diet: This plan consists of eating food normally (always opting for a healthy and balanced diet) for 5 days a week, and for the remaining two days restricting intake to approximately 500 calories, which can be consumed in a single meal or spread throughout the day (only fruits, vegetables and soups or broths, for example).

– Diet on alternate days: One day you opt for a normal diet and the next day you restrict your intake to 500 calories a day, and so on.

– Stop eating anything one day a week. Eat normally throughout the week and choose a day when you will only drink water, teas, and infusions.

– Fasts from 7 to 14 days: This type of fasting requires medical supervision.


– Water (it is allowed to add a few drops or a splash of lemon or mint leaves, ginger root slices or turmeric)


– Infusions and herbal teas (sometimes also coffee)

– The use of sweeteners is not allowed since it has been shown that they produce a response in the production of insulin, thus counteracting the benefits of fasting.

– The consumption of MCT (medium chain triglycerides) oil does not break the fast since for its digestion the body does not require enzymes and bile acids. Taking a tablespoon of this oil can help you to cope with the hours of fasting, especially for those who are just beginning to practice it, providing energy and cancelling the possible feeling of hunger. However, the ideal is to not consume anything, to take full advantage of fasting and the cell regeneration mechanisms it produces.


It is of utmost importance that, in the period of food consumption following the fast, a balanced diet is chosen that includes the correct amounts of macronutrients, vitamins and minerals. It is very unwise to break the fast with binge eating or processed foods devoid of nutrients, as they will do the body more harm than good.

A great way to stop the fast is with one of the Symbeeosis elixirs diluted in a glass of water, followed by a fruit and vegetable smoothie that can be alternated throughout the week. You can also choose a fistful of dried fruit. After half an hour or an hour, you can have the first meal of the day including fats, proteins, and slow-absorbing carbohydrates, preferably quinoa, oatmeal, brown rice, etc.

Vitality Smoothie with Strawberries & Cherries

This strawberry cherry smoothie is delicious and good for your diet!

Try this recipe with Symbeeosis Organic Herbal Elixir Vitality which is ideal for all periods as it is a natural source of vitamin C and contributes to better stress resistance, stress management and increases physical and mental energy.

A must try strawberry cherry smoothie recipe!


1 cup of water

1 orange, peeled and separated into wedges

1 banana, peeled and quartered

1 Tbsp chia seeds

1 1/2 cups fresh or frozen strawberries, hulled

1 1/2 cups fresh or frozen sweet red cherries, pitted

Drizzle of honey Organic

1 sachet Organic Herbal Elixir Vitality


Combine all the ingredients in a blender. Add ingredients in the order they are listed above.

As a rule of thumb, you want to add the liquid first and the frozen last. Everything else goes in between.

Blend until smooth.

If you like your smoothies a little sweeter, you can drizzle in honey or agave nectar, then pulse in a blender until well incorporated.


Iced Tea Mint, perfect for summer

Rejuvenating and refreshing, you just may find yourself craving this beverage on a hot summer’s night.


4 cups water

20 fresh mint leaves

8 Greek Organic Mountain Tea and mint tea bags

5 cups diced melon

3 cups ice cubes

Additional ice cubes for serving


In a large saucepan, bring water to a boil; remove from heat.

Add mint leaves and tea bags; steep, covered, 5’ minutes, stirring occasionally. Discard mint and tea bags.

Place 2+1/2 cups of melon, 2 cups tea and 1+1/2 cups ice in a blender; cover and process until blended.

Serve over additional ice. Repeat with remaining ingredients.


Organic Mountain Iced Tea with Ginger. The ideal detox drink

A cold toning and detoxification iced tea with ginger.

Accompany the drink with a fresh orange slice and a cinnamon stick.

A decaffeinated alternative with a spicy taste and special benefits in digestion and rejuvenation of the body.

What will I need

1 pyramid Greek Organic Mountain Tea and Ginger

fresh ginger slices

cinnamon stick

fresh lemon slice


In half a cup of hot water add the Greek Organic Mountain Tea and Ginger teabag and the cinnamon stick.

If you want honey, this is the time to add it, before the water cools down. Leave the teabag and cinnamon in hot water for 10 minutes, preferably with the cup covered.

Then remove the pyramid and fill with cold water. Serve in a glass with ice cubes and fresh lemon slices.


Is Greek Organic Mountain Tea a Super Food?

Discover why mountain tea has been used since ancient times as a natural beverage but also as a medicine for memory and energy.

About Mountain Tea

If you are reading these lines, perhaps you have already tried –or are about to the mild and slightly sweet flavor and floral aroma of this tea, that can be paired with cinnamon stick, orange, or lemon, and can be prepared hot or cold…

Keep in mind that in Greece there are almost a hundred species and subspecies of mountain teas, 5 of which are better-known. Mountain teas are limited to the Balkans and the Eastern Mediterranean, but you can find more than 100 varieties in the world!

Greek mountain tea grows wild on rocks at high altitudes, thanks to a special microclimate and the extreme climatic conditions that contribute to the development of defense mechanisms and exceptional durability. In Greece, where the Mediterranean climate is intense, this plant goes through two very harsh periods: during winter when there is frost, and during summer when there are high temperatures and drought. That is the reason why mountain tea is full of active ingredientsproduced to face these difficulties: as a drink, it offers valuable benefits, while also having a special taste.

Greek mountain tea plants usually belong to the genus Sideritis and are aromatic, woody-semi-woody, or herbaceous perennial, with yellow flowers. They grow at high altitudes: Sideritis is widespread mainly in temperate Europe and Asia, reaching as far as China.

Some examples: Sideritis scardica commonly known as Olympus teaSideritis raeseri subsp. raeseri (commonly known as Parnassus tea), Sideritis perfoliata subsp. perfoliata that grows in South Pindos, Sideritis syriaca subsp. Syriaca or malotira, the endemic tea of Crete, and the species Sideritis clandestina which is endemic to the Peloponnese region.

A short story about Mountain Tea

The first person to describe the species of the genus Sideritis was Linnaeus, although Mountain tea has been known since antiquity. Dioscorides (40-90 AD) mentions three types of Sideritis in his work “De Materia Medica”.

For organic mountain tea lovers, various views have been expressed regarding the origin of the scientific name of the genus Sideritis (“iron wort” in Greek). One view states that it comes from the Greek word “iron” – the plant was probably named after it because of its ability to heal wounds and injuries caused by iron weapons during wars in antiquity, while another view states that it was named after it because it has a high iron (Fe) content.

Main Health Benefits

Many do not know the benefits of Greek Mountain Tea, although studies have been made by the European Medicine Association, aka EMA.

Antioxidant: in studies of human cells with severe oxidative stress, the antioxidant effectiveness of mountain teas is far superior to that of other teas

Tonic for the body: it gives energy

Tonic for the immune system: their beverage is famous for the treatment of the common cold, while it has a therapeutic indication for this use by the E.M.A.

Memory boost: recent research and studies show memory enhancement

Mountain Tea Flowers

Mountain tea flowers drink is a traditional tonic and antioxidant wonderful beverage, which has been enjoyed since antiquity, while it strengthens the memory and the immune system, and relieves the symptoms of colds. It is naturally caffeine-free, with a floral aroma and a mild, sweet, and earthy flavor.

This unique drink from mountain tea flowers, a real bouquet selected and cut by hand, is like a bouquet directly from Mount Olympus into your cup. With no unnecessary processing to maintain intact its natural nutritional and aromatic characteristics.

The mountain tea selected for this blend is Sideritis scardica which grows on Mount Olympus. Olympus, the mythical residence of the Ancient Greek gods, is also a rare ecosystem. It is a paradise of diverse and unique flora: home to over 1500 plant species, it includes areas where almost all plant life is locally endemic. The region is a protected national park and a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve, ranked among the most prized in the world in terms of flora. Mountain tea is grown with the latest organic methods, combining respect for the natural environment with ideal cultivation practices. Cultivating plants in areas where they grow wild does not disturb the local ecosystem and yields a mountain tea with distinct nutritional and flavor properties.

A product that has minimal impact on the environment, since after its use it can be fully assimilated by it without special procedures – from nature to your cup and back to nature, with almost zero environmental footprint. It is ideal for energy-boosting and well-being throughout the day and the rejuvenation of the senses.

Preparation methods

Hot beverage: Heat 250 ml water to 95°C and steep for 3-5 minutes. Ideally, cover the cup to preserve the tea’s aromas and active ingredients. If you wish, add Symbeeosis honey or stevia. Tip: To make your beverage stronger, use less water. To make it lighter, use more.

Cold beverage: Prepare like a hot beverage but with half the water, then add cold water or ice.

Food and Mood: your diet can cause Depression (or Well-being)

As the wise Hippocrates indicated, there is a strong relationship between our diet and mood or, in other words, between our intestines and brain.

More and more recent scientific studies show that a high percentage of neurotransmitters are produced in the digestive tract (even a 90 percent), not in the brain. Moreover, the neurotransmitters responsible for our physical and mental well-being are formed from the amino acids contained in a diet based on healthy foods.

On the contrary, a diet based on processed foods, inflammatory foods, and chemical-laden foods produces neurotoxins that have a direct damaging impact on our mental and emotional health. What foods should we avoid or incorporate into our diet?


Among the essential foods for our mental well-being, a special mention should be made of those that contain tryptophan, since the body produces serotonin from this essential amino acid.  Serotonin is a neurotransmitter whose function is involved in controlling emotions, mood, regulating the feeling of satiety, etc. What foods are the key for our daily menus? Complex carbohydrates like oats, brown rice or quinoa; legumes such as chickpea; potatos; dried fruits such as almonds, walnuts or hazelnuts; eggs, in this case mainly in the yolk; turkey and chicken are good examples.


Another essential substance for our mental health is Omega 3: remember that the brain is made up of approximately 50% fatty acids of which 33% belong to the family of Omega 3. Its deficiency can cause irritability, mood swings, mental and emotional imbalance… For example, there is a clear relationship between Omega 3 deficiency and postpartum depression, since during pregnancy the baby “steals” the mother’s docosahexaenoic acid to form neural connections. For this reason, supplementation with Omega 3 can be tremendously beneficial (you should consult with your doctor). Omega 3 is naturally found in foods such as fish, especially salmon, sardines or mackerel, and also in plant foods such as chia or flax.


B-complex vitamins are also essential, especially vitamin B12 and B6. Vitamin B12 deficiency can have serious consequences such as depression, insomnia and mental slowness: this vitamin is found directly in foods of animal origin such as eggs, fish or meat, so its supplementation in vegan diets is adequate. On the other hand, vitamin B6 or pyridoxine is a cofactor of serotonin, which must be present to carry out the conversion of amino acids into serotonin so, in addition to amino acid biosynthesis, and it also participates in important metabolic processes.

Brain health is literally “made” in the gut: you can’t worry about intestines health without mentioning the role that prebiotics and probiotics play in keeping us in tip-top shape. Prebiotics favor the development of symbiotic bacteria inside our intestine: we can find them mainly in green leafy vegetables, red fruits, bananas, onions or garlic. Probiotics are mainly found in fermented foods as these contain live microorganisms or “friendly” bacteria that support gut health. They are found in yogurts, kefir, miso, etc. It is very beneficial to take a good probiotic supplement on those occasions when an antibiotic is being ingested, since these decrease the intestinal flora to a greater or lesser extent.


What could be say about this vitamin D, whose function in the body is so important that it has been functionally compared to a hormone? However, the deficiency of this vitamin in the world population is alarming since it causes important problems such as depression, nervousness, pessimism or loss of bone density, among many others.

Our recommendation is to carry out an analysis that allows determining the existing deficit and the adequate dose in its supplementation, if necessary. This vitamin is obtained mainly from the sun (Mediterranean sun is always an option if you can visit us) and from foods such as fatty fish, cod liver oil, egg yolks and dairy products, among others.



Herbal medicine also offers us help options to combat mild or moderate depressive states. Indeed, the plant grown in the wild, known as St. John’s Wort (Hypericum perforatum) that contains bioactive principles, among which hypericin and hyperforin stand out with anxiolytic and antidepressant properties since antiquity. However, the consumption of this herb is not without possible interactions with some medications and adverse side effects (always consult your doctor).


Fortunately, honey is a precursor to serotonin: hence the custom or tradition of our mothers and grandmothers to give us to drink a glass of hot milk with honey before going to sleep, since both components are precursors of serotonin, and melatonin is produced from serotonin, which is responsible for our rest and that we rest well.

Greek Organic Mountain Tea and Dittany is a true invigorating option. Dittany, also endemic to Crete, has been used medicinally for centuries, to promote improved digestive function and alleviate gastrointestinal discomfort. Both of these medicinal herbs are an integral part of the Cretan diet, which is scientifically recognized for its high nutritional value and contribution to well-being and longevity.

If you want to know more about Symbeeosis functional products you can visit this link to know more.

Superbowl with Honey and Fruits: a breakfast perfection

A smoothie bowl that boosts you all day long. Enjoy this ease-to-prepare breakfast extra to your tea and start the day tuned.

Delicious and superhealthy: this Superbowl includes all the healthy and natural ingredients that will help your body. Have you ever thought about this question: what are the benefits of a better breakfast?

Firstly, greater concentration during the day and overweight control are two of them, but it is demonstrated that a right breakfast will minimize cardiovascular problems, improve your intellectual performance and reduce your anxiety, preventing hypoglycemia and hypotension.

A breakfast is also a good way of adding more vitamins and minerals to your routine. A balanced breakfast always includes fruit pieces or fruit juice, therefore, the contribution of vitamins and minerals will also create a better humor. A correct diet influences the state of mind!

Prep time: 5′


Five Cherries

Five to seven blueberries



Greek organic functional honey and ginger (3 spoons)

Some nuts

How to prepare

Let’s to this in 3 easy steps!

First, you need a large bowl to add the quinoa and granola. Take a large spoon to mix them.

Then, add the honey and the fruits in pieces. You can add some juice of your preference.

Finish with nuts (or cinnamon) and voila! Your healthier meal is ready.  


Detox smoothie with Nettle and great taste in 5 minutes

Heart-shaped leaves of Nettle are used from ancient Greek tradition to help flush toxins and excess fluids from the body, also to reduce the swelling of arthritic joints, and clear your mind.

Nettle has aromatic notes of fresh herbs and for many, it has something that reminds us of the flavor of matcha teas but is slightly softer. Combined with fruit, it has also added vitamins and minerals (C, A, and D if you use the fruits we propose, although you can change any of them depending on the seasonal): a health cocktail in one shot to your daily routine.

If you want to boost yourself in a few minutes, we suggest preparing this smoothie with a great taste that nourishes you at the most basic levels.

Prep time: 5′


1/4 cup coconut milk

1/2 banana

1/4 pineapple cut into pieces

2 teabags of Nettle in 150 ml water

1/2 cucumber optional, peeled into cubes

1/2 avocado optional for a creamy smoothie

optional Symbeeosis functional honey

How to prepare

Step 1

Add the coconut milk to the blender. Coconut milk contains medium-chain fatty acids and supports cardiovascular health


Add the Greek Organic Nettle decoction at room temperature. How to prepare: Heat 250 ml of water to 95º or let It boil and wait for 4 min. cover the cup to preserve the aromas and active ingredients

Step 3

Finish by adding the fruit pieces and mixing all the ingredients. Make sure it mixes well enough to reach a smooth.

Step 4

You can serve your smoothie in your favorite clear glass mug


#ToBeeHappening, Season 2, Episode 1: Sustainable Creativity

At Symbeeosis, we value creativity and innovation, new ideas and new ways of thinking to achieve well-being and sustainability.

For the opening chapter of this particular #ToBeHappening Podcast Season 2, we establish an open-source conversation with Steve Vranakis (ECD Google Creative Lab) and  Yiannis Charalampopoulos, Co-founder of Beetroot design company, authors of the design of our sustanible packaging).

These two gurus are sharing a mountain tea with a spanish journalist, Rubén O’Dogherty, that moderates a new season of  conversations with personalities about topics connected to our values, we put forward the role of creativity in sustainable approaches and solutions.

These two gurus are sharing a mountain tea with a spanish journalist, Rubén O’Dogherty, that moderates a new season of  conversations with personalities about topics connected to our values, we put forward the role of creativity in sustainable approaches and solutions.

Diet routines for a beautiful (and healthier) skin

Gone are the days when we pinned out hopes for a perfect skin on a cream, no matter what ingredients it could contain, and without any diet.

Nowadays we know that a beautiful and healthy skin is built from within with a good diet, first, and a good routine and cosmetic discipline, second. Our skin should be treated like a body organ and, as such, it needs to be nourished, hydrated and protected inside and out.

According to a holistic vision of the human body, that is, a vision that considers the organism as a whole -as a system in which each one of the parts is completely interrelated- our skin would be the most external and visible part of our nervous system reflecting our emotions as well as any nervous alteration, especially stress. It also reflects any hormonal disturbance or imbalance (as thyroid problems, polycystic ovary or imbalance of our sex hormones), as well as inappropiate exposure to chemical substances, environmental pollution, heavy metals, allergens, free radicals and, of course, a poor diet.

A good diet is one of the basic pillars for a healthy, beautiful and luminous skin: a correct supply of nutrients, minerals and vitamins; correct hydration and a topical care routine will leave the skin looking smooth and radiant.

It is important to point out that, no matter how much we begin now to give the body a correct supply of nutrients, if due to past bad habits the system becomes saturated, especially our liver, the main organ of metabolism and waste, we will not be taking full advantage of our good actions… For this reason, it is important to consume foods and plants that help us cleanse our liver and other organs, such as mountain tea, especially the variety with ginger; green tea and plants such as dandelion or artichoke; foods such as onion, garlic and leek, rich in sulfur; add radishes and endives to our salads; or algae such as spirulina and crorella, which help us eliminate heavy metals; turmeric to deflates our cells…


Vitamin C is essential to have a luminous and smooth skin since collagen is formed using it, which is the most abundant protein in our body. Vitamin E also, as it prevents the formation of wrinkles and skin aging due to its antioxidant and protective action. Vitamin A and carotenoids, present in carrots, pumpkin, etc. protect us from free radicals due to their antioxidant effect. It is not recommended to eat this vitamin through supplements since it is fat-soluble: it is not excreted in the urine (as it occurs with water-soluble vitamins) and it can accumulate in the body (this accumulation can be seen in a yellowish or orange tone, especially on the palms).


A correct supply of Omegas 3, 6, 7 and 9 is also essential. Omega 3 is found in fish (salmon, sardines, mackerel), Krill oil (it is a very pure way of obtaining Omega 3) and chia seeds. Omega 6 is found in nuts and flax seeds, and in evening primrose and borage oil (these two are very good for the female reproductive system and help regulate any hormonal imbalance, especially polycystic ovary. This condition causes acne to appear on the face, especially in the chin and jaw area).

Omega 7 is found in sea buckthorn oils and is very good for mucous membranes (dry nose, eyes, etc.). Omega 9 is found in olive and avocado oil: these Omegas are specific for keeping our skin elastic, lubricated and wrinkle-free as well as being of great help in conditions such as eczema or psoriasis.


Organic Silicon: this mineral acts in the formation of our skin and it is part of collagen, hyaluronic acid and elastin structure of our skin. It is found in horsetail infussion and also in liquid formulas or capsules (fasting liquid is better absorbed).

Colorful foods, with their intense pigments, are rich in flavonoids and antioxidants that protect us from free radicals. Blueberries, blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, red onions, tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, red cabbage,… that is a natural and delicious way to get it!

Food supplements that contain antioxidants: if due to our lifestyle (lack of time, inability to access organic food, etc.) it is difficult for us to provide these antioxidants through the diet, food supplements can be used. The ideal is to rotate and alternate them and to choose the most organic and natural ones.

Zinc. This mineral is very important for the proper reproduction of cells and healing processes, as well as for regulating conditions such as seborrheic dermatitis, excessively oily skin, etc.

MM. Metasulfonylmethane is an organic sulfur compound and is one of the most important minerals in the body. It helps to the actual restore tissues and interferes with the formation of collagen and keratin. (It is present in vegetables, fruits and meats but it is very volatile and degrades with cooking).


Dehydrated skin will never look pretty and hydration comes from within. The best way to know how much water we need is to pay attention to the most sophisticated system that exists, our body. The body has a very delicate balance between potassium and sodium. Nowadays, driven by advertising campaigns, we believe that you have to drink a lot of water, the more the better. And it is not like that.

As we discussed before, this mineral balance is that the body is very sensitive and an excess of liquids unbalances it. We will know when to drink water because we will be thirsty. This is the best sign and the one we will have to learn to listen to. Just as a lack of water causes a drop in blood pressure, headaches, etc., an excess of water can cause difficulty concentrating, an imbalance in our emotions and demineralization of the body.


– Once a week, we suggest to prepare a hot water bath and add some leaves or twigs of pure mountain tea (not in bags). The heat will cause the skin’s pores to dilate and the antioxidants and minerals in the leaf will penetrate the skin. We can also rub the leaves on the skin of the body and face to perform a natural and delicate exfoliation. In addition, the perfume of the leaves is delicious and will relax our entire nervous system what, of course, will be reflected in more beautiful skin!

– Prepare for your day one liter of water with any of the mountain teas rich in antioxidants and minerals, add a few slices of lemon or lime (vitamin C), a tablespoon of honey with turmeric and mint or basil leaves (the latter is a natural adaptogen against stress).

– Tip: take a daily shake that includes flaxseed and chia (Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids), a tablespoon of Symbeeosis honey with turmeric (antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and immune system stimulating action), a handful of spinach (provides vitamins and chlorophyll, which cleans our cells), a glass of almond milk (provides calcium, vegetable protein and vitamin E), a handful of red fruits (rich in flavonoids and vitamin C).

Brush the skin dry with a natural bristle brush 4 or 5 times a week (preferably every day). Before showering, massage dry skin with circular and upward movements and moderate pressure, from the ankles to the neck, insisting on the areas where the lymph nodes are located (armpits and back of the knees). This will help us get rid of dead cells and improve the functioning of the lymphatic system as well as conditions such as poor circulation and cellulite.

– Add a few sprigs of mountain tea to 250ml of mineral water. Cover it and store it in the refrigerator overnight. The morning after, strain the leaves and put the liquid in a spray bottle. This water will be loaded with antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals and will be great to spray on your face throughout the day. (If we use makeup, it will be a fantastic option to refresh our makeup. We spray it on the skin, let it act for a minute, press the face with a tissue to absorb the excess and touch up our makeup for a fantastic result).

– Use essential oils for your home. Aromatherapy has a direct effect on our nervous system and, as we have said, this is reflected in the skin. Take care that these oils are 100% natural and organic since otherwise we will be inhaling chemical substances

Stop using cosmetics prepared with chemicals and preservatives. These substances accumulate in the inner layers of our skin and act as endocrine disruptors, being very harmful to the skin and health. Bet on creams whose formulation is organic and use coconut or sesame oil to moisturize the body.

#ToBeeHappening, Season 1, Episode 6: The Art Of Walking

We walk together for an ideal. We walk together to source food that we share. We walk together for social display. We walk together to try to change the world. We walk together to find better lives for ourselves and each other. We walk together to enjoy each other’s company.

Stimulate your body with Symbeeosis organic food supplements.

#ToBeeHappening, Season 1, Episode 5: People and Plants

The other day, I was talking with one of the Symbeeosis experts in our organic crops and he was explaining to me how the names of many plants often hide mythological anecdotes because human beings have always used plants as their most powerful analogy.

Listen to this podcast while enjoying a drink of Symbeeosis organic herbs.

#ToBeeHappening, Season 1, Episode 4: Innovation & Creativity

As a creative person, what do you think are the best techniques to unlock creativity and be innovative? Listen to our podcast.

Stimulate your body with Symbeeosis organic food supplements.

ToBeeHappening, Season 1, Episode 1: The Poetry of Bees

Bees will make the homes at the side of the Rocky way and will not abandon the house they have made, but stand up to men who come to destroy them and fight for the sake of their children.

Enjoy the poetry of bees in the company of Symbeeosis organic honeys.

ToBeeHappening, Season 1, Episode 3: The Tea Ceremony

Learn why tea is essential to your well-being and how to add this wellness ritual into your everyday life.

Enjoy the podcast with a warm organic mountain tea with honey.